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不知水舞 2023-08-07

It took 5 months to receive it. There was a long delay with the editor in the middle, and I even doubted if it would be rejected. The first review also took two months, but the second review was faster and it was accepted the next day. The author was given a long time to revise, which was 2 months. It is about to be proofread, but I don't know how long I have to wait.

Treasure-wang 2023-02-28

How long does it usually take to receive the manuscript email after acceptance by this journal? And how long does it take to get published?

我不是研究生 2022-12-07

Normal, it is normal for editor 2-4 weeks.

ababab 2022-12-01

Excuse me, how long have you been with the editor? It has been 20 days for me and I still haven't been assigned an editor.

X~X 2022-11-08

Excuse me, are you online? It has been 4 months since I received it, and it is still not online. How long does it take for it to be online?

隔壁小刘 2022-10-09

From submission to acceptance took a little over two months. It took about half a month online, not in a low-tier journal. There were two reviewers and they provided 40 comments. It was difficult to respond to the reviewers' comments. The main body of the article was 7000 words, and the response to the reviewers was nearly 8000 words. The article was accepted by the editor the next day after sending the response. It's a great achievement, being my first SCI paper. Unfortunately, it was downgraded to a fourth-tier journal this year. Fourth-tier doesn't really have much significance.

X~X 2022-07-27

2022.7.25 Accept.
In total, it took about three months. The editing processing speed is acceptable.

隔壁小刘 2022-07-19

May I ask if this journal is now considered to be in the third or fourth quartile? Being in the fourth quartile is too low. I thought it was in the third quartile when I submitted my work.

X~X 2022-07-15

I remember my major revision also said the same thing. I feel that no matter what, you can try to reply seriously, and there is a high chance of acceptance. Otherwise, they will simply reject your paper. Unless you want to switch to another journal.

隔壁小刘 2022-07-15

Really? What's the exact number?

隔壁小刘 2022-07-15

Yesterday under review, today the reviewer's comments came back. There were over thirty of them, not too many, but they were all quite challenging. They gave a two-month revision period. The reviewers raised several questions and pointed out some issues to be clarified. If the authors can show convincing revisions to the reviewers, I will reconsider my decision. Otherwise, it might be rejected. The editor-in-chief's opinion is as follows: What are the chances of acceptance after major revisions?

X~X 2022-07-11

The journal homepage has a committee member, including the editor-in-chief, vice editor-in-chief, and the email addresses of the editorial board. You can give it a try.

隔壁小刘 2022-07-10

How can I urge this journal to publish my manuscript? It seems there is no contact information for the editor or the magazine in the submission system. It has been over a month since I submitted, and it is still "with editor."

X~X 2022-07-07

2022.6.29 Major revision - 2022.6.29 Major revision
2022.7.7 Revision submitted to journal - 2022.7.7 Revision submitted to the journal
2022.7.7 With Editor - 2022.7.7 Under review by the editor

X~X 2022-07-07

It's been over a month, and I feel something is not quite right. I believe it's appropriate to send an email after a month to inquire, so as not to delay any further.

我不是研究生 2022-06-29

I eat lemon, and as soon as I invested, the market went down... Speechless.

fengye008 2022-06-28

A master's job of someone who is not passionate about scientific research, nearing graduation, with an urgent need for articles. It took two months for them to be accepted after submission, and the proofreading process was quite slow. However, since they were both accepted, they no longer mind.

隔壁小刘 2022-06-24

May I ask if it is normal that I have been waiting for over a month and it is still "with editor"? It seems like the reviews are usually done quite quickly for this journal.

zhxing_x 2022-05-21

2022.5.12 Under Review
It is still under review now. It feels like it has been submitted twice. Is the situation not good?

家里有矿的科研人 2022-05-21

The chief editor of the separation technology field, Jaehoon Kim, handles articles very quickly. Submission takes two days to review, with a review period of 40 days, and major revisions are requested. On the same day the revisions were submitted, Jaehoon Kim promptly accepted them. If all journal editors were like this person, it would be absolutely fantastic.

zhxing_x 2022-05-03

Hope for a good outcome.

Xia Lv 2021-11-17

Hello, OP, how are you? I would like to ask how you handle the copyright transfer form you received. Is it signed electronically or by hand?

山理工2019 2021-05-05

I would like to ask, how long does it take to receive a manuscript notification for this journal? Do I need to pay any publication fees?

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