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921 2023-06-30

What is the progress of the reviewing now? Is there any result yet?

Bin Yuan 2023-03-27

After resubmission, the editing has been unresponsive for over 20 days before returning to the initial step. Now, after waiting for another week with no response, this whole month has been spent on "Manuscript Submitted". So frustrating~~

James_bond 2023-02-10

The authoritative journal in the field of theoretical acoustics and underwater acoustics, although it has not made much progress, has always had a good reputation.

新疆人不烤串 2022-11-24

One of the oldest journals in the field of acoustics.

Xacus 2022-10-16

I would like to ask whether this journal recommends reviewers or if I need to provide reviewer information myself?

努力发论文的人 2022-07-26

May I ask if you can share the status of each stage after you have submitted your contribution? Thank you!

杨大仙 2022-05-18

Hello, I would like to ask if what you wrote is related to signal processing.

杨大仙 2022-05-18

I had to resubmit once because of formatting requirements, and after making adjustments, it was rejected again due to grammar issues. Even after proofreading and editing, they still wouldn't send it for review. Eventually, they directly rejected it, saying it was not suitable for publication in this journal. It's frustrating that it wasted two months of my time.

letpubgo 2022-03-30

Three reviewers, possibly experts in the field of acoustics, provided their feedback. Two of them gave a lot of professional opinions, which helped improve the quality of the article. One reviewer provided fewer comments, and their input was not sought again during the revision process.
The article was received on September 9, 2021, and underwent major revisions on October 31, 2021. A revised version was submitted on January 18, 2022, and minor revisions were made on February 14, 2022. Another revised version was submitted on February 23, 2022, and the article was finally accepted on March 7, 2022.

Barry 2021-12-13

The review process takes approximately 2-3 months. After modification in January, it will be reviewed again for 2-3 months. On average, it takes about 6 months.

Feng 2021-10-16

Can you share the submission deadline?

Barry 2021-10-16

JASA is definitely a well-established and prestigious journal in the field of acoustics. It is clearly inappropriate to solely measure the quality of a journal based on its impact factor. In my impression, JASA has consistently had an impact factor between 1.5 and 2.0 for almost twenty years. If we also consider its long half-life, which is the longest among acoustic journals, what does it indicate? At the very least, it demonstrates that the published papers in JASA have long-term significance.

Mingming2021 2021-10-12

JASA is a publication suitable for beginners and contains average data. It is neither good nor bad, so please approach it with a calm mindset.

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