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WP2022 2023-04-11

The current article has been indexed by EI, but SCI has not been indexed yet. I wonder if any experts have encountered a similar situation. The latest issue has already been indexed by SCI, but my article, which was published earlier, has not been indexed yet.

阿巴阿巴+ 2022-10-20

If I remember correctly, the manuscript was submitted on August 27th, and minor revisions were returned at the end of September. It was directly accepted and published in mid-October, which went quite smoothly. The main time-consuming part was finding reviewers, but overall, it was still a smooth process. The journal is quite responsible.

onetheodore 2022-08-26

14-Jun-2022 submitted
27-Jul-2022 first decision- Mandatory Revisions
08-Aug-2022 a revision has been submitted
23-Aug-2022 decision- Optional Revisions
25-Aug-2022 Accept as is
The process was fast, with no delay in editing here. On the first day of submission, the editor noticed a formatting issue and returned it. It was returned on the second day, reviewed by the chief editor on the third day, and sent for external review on the fourth day. After the revisions were made, it was sent for direct external review on the second day. During the second review, a minor issue with the images was raised, and it was fixed on the same day. Two days later, the chief editor accepted it directly. The topic is relevant.

左岸~ 2022-07-18

Hello, I also want to know if this status is for rejection or for review?

左岸~ 2022-07-08

Hello, how long does it take to receive the first trial opinion?

Maxmuse 2022-04-25

Finally, it is Awaiting Reviewer Scores on 24-Apr-2022.

Maxmuse 2022-04-19

02-Mar-2022 SUBMITTED
19-Apr-2022 Still Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
Do not rush, please do not submit.

henry1910 2021-12-16

Why can't I open the journal website now?

Yee-zou 2021-11-09

I am planning to submit to this journal now. There is limited information regarding the submission requirements and other details. I wonder if it would be convenient to add a friend to communicate about it?

numb 2021-11-05

Manuscript received May 8, 2021;
accepted for publication August 30, 2021;
published online October 6, 2021.

Translation: The manuscript was received on May 8, 2021; it was accepted for publication on August 30, 2021; and it was published online on October 6, 2021.

时雨樱雪 2021-10-20

May I ask if the author sent the manuscript for external review after "Awaiting EIC Decision" or if it was rejected directly?

科研小学生123 2021-08-28

The first review took over two months, with three reviewers. One of them raised a lot of doubts without providing any suggestions. He also specifically requested to cite the literature of a certain author, which is obviously him. The problem is that he has hardly published any papers, which is quite embarrassing. After making the revisions, it took another month to return for the second review. The other two reviewers agreed, but this particular reviewer insisted on rejecting it and continued to raise various doubts. The editor rejected the paper. I don't want to say anything anymore. Take this as a reference to avoid getting trapped.

xiaoxiaokang 2021-06-10

I also want to know, eh.

Bright-zhang 2021-04-28

03-Mar-2021 submitted
30-Mar-2021 revision
20-Apr-2021 First revision submitted
27-Apr-2021 Received

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