注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Successful A 2022-05-05

Already received, update the specific time again. Submitted on October 22nd, received review comments in early January. Due to additional experiments, we requested an extra month, and submitted the revised version in early March. One of the reviewers did not upload their review comments, so we reminded them twice. The editor couldn't wait any longer and directly submitted the comments from one reviewer. There was only one suggested modification, uploaded on the 26th, and the next day it showed that the editor had processed it. The article was accepted on May 2nd. (Personally, the editor's processing was very fast, which made me feel happy.)

Successful A 2022-04-18

It will arrive at the editor's office in 3-5 days, and two reviewers will be arranged quickly for review. The review comments were issued in January. It was revised on March 4th. The status was updated on April 2nd. In addition to the two original reviewers, the editor also invited two more reviewers for review, making a total of four reviewers. There is still no result at the moment.

NSC 2022-03-21

2022.01.05 Submitted to journal
2022.01.06 With editor
2022.01.06 Under review
2022.02.15 Major Revision
2022.02.23 With editor (Returned for revision)
2022.03.20 Accepted
A very good experience!

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