注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

云朵奥 2021-08-14

May I ask if this journal has corresponding authors? If there are corresponding authors, are they identified by the authors themselves or is it indicated in the text that the authors contribute equally? Thank you for your response.

亲爱的小李 2021-07-07

Submitted on February 9th, after one month, I received a notification for major revisions. There were two reviewers, the first reviewer had 30 questions, while the second reviewer had 11 questions. I answered each question one by one. One important experience I learned from this process is to answer exactly what the reviewers ask, avoiding unnecessary verbosity or brevity. The main goal is to address all the questions without any sense of complacency. I was given two months to complete the major revisions, which was quite a generous timeframe. After submission, I had to wait for another month. The first reviewer informed me that the paper would be accepted after minor revisions, while the second reviewer stated that major revisions were still needed. However, upon reviewing the feedback provided, I realized that most of the issues were related to formatting, which was manageable. I answered each question again and was given two more months. The questions were not difficult, and after one month, I resubmitted the revised paper, which was directly accepted. I was very excited because JQSRT is a reputable journal with recognized influence in the field. I have already published several papers in JQSRT, and I will continue to submit in the future.

Format: Single spacing is sufficient.

科研仕子小马 2021-04-20

Just recording the time, I just voted today.

jianghe 2021-04-19

May I ask which editor did you choose for your submission? I also want to learn from your experience. Thank you.

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