注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

summer233 2023-03-30

The Journal of Physical Oceanography (JPO) is undoubtedly a top journal in the field of physical oceanography, highly recognized within the community. However, the community itself is relatively small, as indicated by its self-citation rate of 25%. In the current trend of favoring sub-journals, JPO appears to be slightly niche. As the preferred or only option for theoretical research articles in the field of physical oceanography (with JFM being another priority), JPO possesses an "irreplaceability" that most other journals lack. Therefore, although JPO may continue to exist without much fanfare, it will always have a loyal following and will not decline (specifically mentioning Deep Sea Research I & II for criticism).

I am fortunate to have my first article published in JPO. The research for this article took three and a half years from start to publication. I hope that JPO will continue to improve!

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