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龙宽九段 2022-12-26

Who is the editor-in-chief of the journal?

Laser5200 2022-08-17

JPPB is one of the few journals that has maintained a position in the field of optical biology. The speed is decent, usually providing results within a month. In 2018, we had one article published, and this year we submitted another one, which is currently undergoing minor revisions. JPPB is very trustworthy and consistently maintains the quality of papers in the field of spectroscopy. It feels similar to JPCL in physical chemistry. It's impressive to see JPPB's impact factor increase from around 2 to 6.8. Wishing it continued success!

longge 2022-07-09

The dynamic changes of fluorescent substances during the molting period of scorpions were investigated. Submitted on April 3, 2022; Revised on May 19, 2022; Accepted on July 2, 2022; Available online on July 8, 2022. It was accepted within three months.

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