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方岳霖 2023-08-08

May I ask if this magazine requires a review fee?

骨科青年 2022-04-11

As a relatively good journal in orthopedics, the following timeline is provided for reference: submission on November 29th, major revision on January 16th, revision return on February 24th, and acceptance on March 31st. Before 2021, the journal was classified as a 2nd tier (zone) in orthopedics. However, starting from 2022, it has been reclassified as a 3rd tier (zone) by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with an impact factor of 3.494. Although it is now a 3rd tier journal, it is still recommended for colleagues who conduct experiments with a funding investment of 50,000 or more to submit their excellent articles here.

meng 2022-03-23

Posted on July 31, 2021, major renovation on December 4th; returned on January 18, 2022, minor repair on February 21; returned on March 7, notified acceptance on the 22nd.

meng 2022-03-23

The journal is a well-established one with a longer review cycle.

Silly74559 2021-08-17

Old-established journal, with a good reputation, but a low impact factor. The review speed is average, I happened to submit it around Christmas, so it was relatively slow.

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