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研究者 2022-12-23

The second district is where JOTA should be located.

我是笨鸟要先飞 2022-06-23

Obviously, the extensive criticism of this journal is unfair, and I oppose it.

沽名钓誉不可取 2022-05-25

Combining my long-term reading experience of articles published in this journal and my own submission experience, I also disagree with your viewpoint. I also believe that JOTA is one of the best magazines outside the top three journals in the industry.

沽名钓誉不可取 2022-05-25

Based on my personal experience of submitting articles, I believe this journal is a very rigorous and high-quality journal. One of my articles went through six rounds of revisions, spanning over four years. During this process, the review comments from the reviewers in the first four rounds were all more than two pages long. Most of the suggested revisions were both professionally sound and comprehensive, contributing significantly to the improvement of the article's quality. I was fortunate enough to encounter two very diligent, responsible, professional, meticulous reviewers. I have seen someone commenting that this journal is inferior, comparing it to JMAA and so on. I disagree with their viewpoint, perhaps because they did not have the luck to encounter responsible and diligent reviewers like I did, or perhaps due to other reasons... which resulted in their negative submission experience. However, on the other hand, even the best journals (without explicitly giving examples, most peers can observe this with their own discerning eyes) occasionally include articles of average quality. But we should not deny a journal solely based on this.

wwywang 2022-05-02

The magazine is good!

方城寺住持 2021-02-22

This comment is completely incorrect. JOTA is the best magazine after the top three journals in the industry. It is on par with COAP.

杰锋 2021-02-03

"Excuse me, how can I modify the font size of the LaTeX template provided by JOTA?"

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