注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

难产的菜鸡 2023-02-01

Waiting period is a bit long, and there is no progress visible halfway.

难产的菜鸡 2023-01-03

The efficiency of this journal is too low. I submitted it on July 1st, and it has been under review for four months. After revising a few minor suggestions, it has been a month and there is still no news.

Jangdou 2022-09-30

It has always been assigning for review, giving the drafts to editor Cui, and always mentioning that it is in the hands of subject experts.

尹天仇 2022-09-21

Is your status still under review? And the date hasn't changed either?

Jangdou 2022-09-20

A review article, it has been almost three months and I am still editing it.

尹天仇 2022-09-15

How long is the review cycle? It feels a bit long... It has been almost a month with no progress.

Jangdou 2022-09-14

Why are there so many review requests? It has been almost three months since submission.

science_one 2021-09-11

I have been submitting this magazine for half a month now, and the initial status is "Under Review," which should be for internal review. If the magazine goes through external review, will the status change?

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