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nur 2023-06-15

Hello colleague? I was rejected 331 days later (a minor revision, a rejection), but the editor suggested that I resubmit after making the necessary changes. The recent resubmission was on June 4, 2023, and the current status is "All Reviewers Assigned" (as of June 14, 2023). This time it was relatively quick, and there is a new associate editor. How about yours?

LALALALA20220321 2023-02-22

That's the reviewing process, the next stage should be "Review Complete", wishing you an early acceptance!

nur 2023-02-17

Hello? Yes, my supervisor said that it seems like the previous associate editor is no longer in the position and has been replaced with someone new. After 306 days, the status has changed to "All Reviewers Assigned" recently. It is about trace amounts of electrical stone and boron isotope articles. A few days ago, I also submitted an article on apatite. My supervisor said it suits the taste of AM (possibly referring to a specific journal or conference), so I can only endure and wish myself good luck!

LALALALA20220321 2023-02-16

Classmate, I feel that it should be the issue of the associate editor. The associate editor I chose is quite good. I wrote two polite reminder letters, and the result came out quickly. It took six months from submission to acceptance for my work related to isotopes.

LALALALA20220321 2023-02-16

Classmate, I think it's a problem with the associate editor. The associate editor I chose is quite nice. I wrote two politely worded reminder letters and got results quickly.

nur 2022-12-08

Potential Reviewers Assigned- From 2022-04-12 to present; From 2022-04-12 to present.

nur 2022-12-08

Hello? It has been 239 days so far, and the status is still "Potential Reviewers Assigned" (from 2022-07-08 till now). Two months ago, the associate editor did not reply, so I emailed the editor-in-chief, who responded and said they would process it as soon as possible. However, the status has not changed so far. I am about to graduate and want to use this for job applications, but I have lost hope and dare not withdraw the manuscript. I just hope that one day it will be accepted. Although it is in the 3rd tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is considered a top journal in the field of mineralogy with high recognition. It would take about half a year to change the submission, so I can only wait. My junior brother got accepted in just over three months before!

DouJZ 2022-12-05

Classmate, how is your article now? My article is also the same, the deputy editor said we still need one more reviewer, and we are currently looking for one.

nur 2022-10-18

It has been a total of 188 days, and it has been over 3 months since the review was received, but there is still no result! I sent an email but did not receive a reply.
Stage Start Date
Review Received 2022-07-08
Review Started 2022-06-16
Potential Reviewers Decline 2022-05-16
Contacting Potential Reviewers 2022-04-25
Potential Reviewers Assigned 2022-04-25
Waiting for Potential Reviewer Assignment 2022-04-25
Associate Editor Assigned 2022-04-25

SIOUX 2022-02-25

Submitted on August 16th, accepted on February 25th, with a minor revision in-between. The editor was very helpful.

SIOUX 2021-10-11

Hello classmate, I wanted to ask what stage your submission is in. I recently got stuck at "Review Received."

mshsong 2021-09-23

It is relatively easy to publish the article if there are new data. From submission to rejection with encouragement to resubmit, and then being accepted after resubmission, it took four months, which was considered relatively smooth. I used to think that this journal was quite difficult to get into, but now I realize that as long as the work is solid and innovative, it is not as difficult as I thought.

SIOUX 2021-08-18

Ask everyone, "waiting for AE assignment," how many days does it usually take for the review to begin?

进击的LL 2021-07-02

Submitted in November, it took 8 months to finally get accepted. It was such a long process. I have to say the associate editor was very responsible, as he accepted it himself and carefully reviewed it twice. Wishing AM to keep getting better and better.

Ying Ma 2021-04-09

The deputy editor did not handle it.

进击的LL 2021-04-08

May I ask about the return for repair? It's been almost half a month since the review was completed, but there has been no further communication. What's going on?

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