注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

forsensor 2023-01-04

24-Apr-2022 Posted
02-Jun-2022 Reject & Resubmit
09-Aug-2022 Accepted

hjz97 2022-07-05

Top journal in the MEMS industry

Dahai_succeed 2022-07-02

Hey buddy, how long does it usually take to get a reply after submitting the first draft?

forsensor 2022-04-18

How long does it take to receive the first feedback after submission? I noticed that the speed of other reviews is quite fast.

YES 2021-12-21

One month for review, one month for revisions, and half a month for acceptance after submission.

YES 2021-10-18

Set a goal and wait for the outcome.

Xu 2021-02-02

1.08 Submission
1.28 Minor revisions
1.29 Revised
2.02 Accepted
There were a total of two reviewers who asked some questions about the details of the article. After answering them carefully, they agreed to accept it.

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