注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

变分法 2022-11-28

Hello, may I ask how long will it take for the review?

想当科学家的小仙女 2022-10-15

Direct employment in 130 days.

大熊伊伊 2022-02-19

A well-established journal in the field of mathematical physics, highly regarded with a prestigious reputation. It's quite good overall. The only downside is that its ranking is relatively low, and I'm not sure why.

汉阳刘德华 2021-03-01

As mentioned by the 12th floor, it is an established journal in mathematical physics equations. The reputation is very strong, and being published in it is considered quite good. Personally, I feel that the articles in mathematics are more biased towards PDE (Partial Differential Equations). Because it is classified under physics, it is at a disadvantage in terms of categorization. If it were classified under mathematics, it could definitely be placed in the second tier.

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