注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

periodical 2023-07-06

I also submitted to this journal, but it feels really slow. I feel a bit deceived... What kind of papers did you submit?

mtonlon 2023-06-15

Really, mine has been looking for a reviewer for several days too.

Chris PENG 2023-06-10

Withdrawn, stagnant for 5 months, stuck in the hands of the editor without being reviewed, be cautious when submitting, blacklisted the journal.

PengZhi 2023-05-07

Why am I so slow? After editing and submitting the revised manuscript, it has been over three months and the status is still "Editor Invited". Haven't they found a reviewer yet? It's too slow, be cautious about submitting. Should I withdraw the submission and submit elsewhere?

fdaxia 2023-04-06

Are you using a Word template or LaTeX?

garfieldCN 2023-02-08

Excuse me, have you found the Word template?

huxiaofan 2023-01-25

May I ask which word template to use? I couldn't find it on the official website of the journal.

Tristehf 2023-01-06

When submitting a contribution, is it necessary to include an author's resume?

scl666 2023-01-03

Hello, may I ask if there is still a layout fee if it is not open source?

ajax 2022-12-12

January 28, 2022: Submission
March 24, 2022: Major revision
May 17, 2022: Resubmission after modification
October 16, 2022: Notification of acceptance
November 19, 2022: Online publication

scl666 2022-10-29

May I ask how much is the layout fee?

buguoruci 2022-10-28

Do you charge a page fee for this journal?

scl666 2022-10-27

Hello, may I ask if there is a charge for this layout?

I_AM_YP 2022-10-19

When can it be retrieved approximately?

I_AM_YP 2022-10-19

Hello, my paper has also been accepted. How long does it usually take to be indexed?

鸡鸡叫,哇哇哇 2022-10-12

Posted in early June 2022, the results of the major revision will be announced by the end of August, and the submission of the major revision will be made in mid-September. The acceptance will be confirmed in October. The quality of the journal is good, but unfortunately it is not highly regarded in the lower partition. Overall, it is still good. I wish the journal all the best and this is the second submission.

投稿太难 2022-09-12

How is your paper now?

爱学习的宝宝兔崽儿呢 2022-08-27

The first trial takes about 3 months, and after careful revision, it will be returned in 3 months. The notification of acceptance will be given in less than a month.

bravery_Z 2022-08-15

Hello, may I ask what is the reason for "need approval" being displayed during the submission stage? Even when clicking "approve submission," it remains the same. Have you encountered this before?

NCCWSS 2022-07-12

First review: August 2021 to February 2022 Major revision
Second review: March 2022 to May 2022 Minor revision
Third review: May 2022 to July 2022 Acceptance

The first review took a relatively long time, but the reviewing process after that was relatively fast. Both the editors and reviewers were professional and serious.

Cehfdy 2022-05-23

Submitted 2 months ago and still haven't found any reviewers. I emailed the editor and their response was:

There were several reviewers invited; some of them already declined and some have been removed from the list for not responding on time.

The editor has invited another set of reviewers and none of them has yet to accept the invitation.

Therefore, on May 18th, a second batch of invitations was sent... It's too slow. If you're in a hurry, choose a different journal. I don't even want to say anything about how slow this process is...

March 22, 2022: New submission
March 23, 2022: Editor invited
April 10, 2022: Reviewers assigned
May 18, 2022: Reviewers assigned

月光下徜徉 2022-05-21

Where does happiness come from? I don't want to make major revisions anymore. The supervisor didn't like this article from the beginning...

月光下徜徉 2022-05-20

After the major revision, it has been updated twice as "Under review". This time, I hope it won't be another major revision. I noticed that many people's records have not been updated multiple times during the second review. What's the situation?

2022.5.11 Revision Submitted
2022.5.11 Editor Invited
2022.5.15 Under review
2022.5.19 Under review

走走走走走你 2022-05-10

Senior, may I ask if besides the corresponding author (submitter), can the first author also see the status of the manuscript?

月光下徜徉 2022-05-02

The template for submitting to this journal should be different from the one for publication. I searched for a long time but couldn't find a matching one. In the end, I used the generic one provided on the official website, which didn't say much.

lifuling 2022-04-29

Excuse me, does this journal directly use a template that is not in a single-column format? But I see that all the published articles are in a two-column format. Which one should I use?

Hoffen 2022-04-28

I have been assigned a reviewer for a month, so I have to wait patiently. And then it has been under review for almost two months.

Cehfdy 2022-04-26

It has been 16 days now, and it is still in the "reviewers assigned" status. I am so anxious, is it really taking this long? Haven't they found any reviewers yet?

whj8810 2022-04-11

2022-04-10 under review translates to English as "2022-04-10 being reviewed."

whj8810 2022-04-10

2022-04-10 revisores asignados

2022-04-10 reviewers assigned

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