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万紫千红 2022-09-28

If not in a hurry, the magazines that can be submitted to are particularly good, both the editors and reviewers are excellent. The reviewers review very meticulously, but also very fair. Some opinions can be rejected, but it is necessary to explain clearly.

牛妞妞o2 2022-05-04

The review process is fast, with results in one month. Submitted on March 24, 2022, at 1:00 am, the status changed to "With Editor" in the morning around 9 o'clock. On March 28, it changed to "Under Review." The status date changed on March 30, April 4, and April 29. On May 1, a decision was made to reject the submission. There were two reviewers who paid great attention to detail, providing a total of 13 comments on the manuscript.

xsk4736 2021-11-22

The initial review process is relatively fast, and the suggestions provided are also detailed and fair. From submission to acceptance, it took a total of 3 months. It feels like the journal values the innovation and practicality of the research. I hope everyone can get their submissions accepted!

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