注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

HHUer 2021-08-17

The review speed is not fast.

GANGGangBAI 2021-05-11

11/02/2020 submit to journal
11/11/2020 with editor
It probably took a few days to under review, I can't remember exactly.
12/30/2020 First round of review comments returned
20/1/2021 Submit revised review
18/3/2021 Second round of review comments returned (revise for editor only)
25/3/2021 Submit revised version
5/4/2021 Third round of review comments returned (revise for editor only)
8/4/2021 Submit revised version
22/4/2021 Accept
It took about 4 and a half months from submission to acceptance, overall it was quite fast.
Although it is in the 4th tier, ASCE is still recognized in the academic community, but they have high requirements for article quality and the editor is very responsible and has high language requirements.

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