注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

FOO 2023-03-25

The given text has already been written in English.

HNHB 2022-07-05

One of the top three geotechnical engineering journals, the quality of the papers is very high, but the speed is unbelievably slow. The cycle of one to two years is simply frustrating.

smallcavity 2021-11-27

This summer vacation, I got a collaborative article published, which is slightly better than Geotechnique. The quality requirements for the article are very high, and Geotechnical Engineering is undoubtedly second to none. The other few journals are not at the same level.

FOO 2021-10-14

The following text translated into English is as follows:

First online submission was on April 22, 2021;
Under review status since April 28, 2021;
First-round review comments were received on July 29, 2021;
R1 major version was submitted online on August 26, 2021;
Final acceptance: October 13, 2021.


The first online submission was made on April 22, 2021;
It has been under review since April 28, 2021;
First-round review comments were received on July 29, 2021;
The major version R1 was submitted online on August 26, 2021;
Final acceptance: October 13, 2021.

Soul-mate 2021-08-22

Initial submission in early February 2021
First review completed in early May 2021 after major revisions, resubmitted in early June.
First review results received in early July 2021, one acceptance, another minor revision; returned after minor revisions in mid-July 2021.
Accepted in mid-August 2021.

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