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2255 2023-07-19

2022.8.29 Submission
9.30 Minor revisions
10.27 Submission of minor revisions
11.07 Major revisions, deadline until 2023.1.7
11.20 Return after major revisions
11.21 Initial review editing completed and sent for external review
11.24 Reviewer's comments received
11.25 Awaiting Editor-in-Chief's decision
2022.12.02 Accepted

留不备 2022-10-30

Does this journal charge a page fee?

fqq1 2022-08-09

The text translates to: "Submitted on August 2nd, it has been a week so far and it is still in the 'Awaiting Reviewer Assignment' status. Does anyone know how long it usually takes for the editor to process it? It's too slow, sigh."

科研废材三石 2022-05-25

2021.12.26 Submitted
2022.4.1 Rework 1
2022.4.5 Revised
2022.4.22 Rework 2
2022.4.23 Revised
2022.4.30 Accepted

瑶环瑜珥 2022-03-22

Hello, I would like to ask how you write Figure legends when submitting a manuscript. Are they very detailed and specific? Have you included figures in the manuscript?

马小马 2021-11-24

I don't know if the original poster has paid the layout fee. Can we discuss it? Mine was just accepted, but there has been no progress after submitting the final draft. I have sent you a private message with my contact information.

James WU 2021-11-21

8.25 Submission
9.26 Major revision, 4 reviewers. Reviewer 1 (R1) mentioned that there were language issues and the paper needed significant revisions. R1 listed 19 unclear or incorrect statements. R2 mentioned that there was too much speculation in the conclusion and uncertainty. R3 pointed out a lack of citations in a certain area. R4 simply summarized what I had done without providing any comments.
10.19 Submitted revised manuscript, making changes and improvements based on R1's suggestions. Responded to R2 stating that there is limited literature in this niche field, making it difficult to draw reliable conclusions. Additionally, mentioned that the article was submitted as research notes, presenting preliminary data, and further experiments are ongoing. Responded to R3, acknowledging the addition of appropriate citations. Thanked R4 for their summary.
10.31 Major revision, R1 persisted, stating that although there was improvement in language, it still did not meet publishing standards. Certain terminology was not used correctly, and the answer to a previously mentioned issue was unsatisfactory. R2 mentioned that the author made serious revisions and had no further comments. R3 and R4 did not provide any comments.
11.04 Submitted revised manuscript, carefully reviewing the areas with non-standard terminology and providing a new explanation for the issue that R1 was unsatisfied with. Further proofread the entire paper.
11.18 Accepted. R1 stated that it is now satisfactory and congratulated. R2's comment was identical to the previous one.

只若初见 2021-09-22

Submitted in May 2020, notified of minor revisions in September 2021, and swiftly accepted after revisions. It took 16 months for the review process, and when I submitted, I was still a graduate student, but by the time of acceptance, the first year of the doctoral program had already ended.

不爱生气的猪猪霞 2021-08-26

07-Jun-2021 Post
05-Jul-2021 Major renovation
12-Aug-2021 Minor renovation
17-Aug-2021 Acceptance

zhang 2021-07-19

Posted on September 1, 2020, recommended for major revisions on September 26, rejected for revision at the end of the year, stating lack of innovation. Not sure if it was due to a change in reviewers or if the revised version was submitted too late.

star999 2021-05-06

Delivered on March 25, 2021
Received on April 29, 2021
After two major revisions, the review comments were very detailed, clear, and the process was fast.

先生的科学 2021-04-26

2017.1.7, submitted
2017.5.12, revised
2017.5.30, accepted

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