注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

小七的日常 2022-10-01

Recommendation to avoid pits, it has been almost two months and the review comments have not been received yet.

小七的日常 2022-08-11

It has been six months since the first review, and there has been no news. In the meantime, the journal sent an email saying that the reviewer was delayed due to some matters.

北川 2021-11-24

May I ask if there is a fee for submitting to the Journal of Fish Diseases?

L. 2021-04-04

Opinions will be given quickly. Please provide me with feedback on the revision within two weeks, and after revising the manuscript, approval for admission will be granted within two days.

Jione 2021-03-10

What are the suggestions submitted by several reviewers? Are there many revision comments?

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