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Rainy-autumn 2023-02-05

Could you please explain why it takes nearly a month for the AE recommendation after the paper review is complete? Did you only make the recommendation after sending an email reminder?

Leonard_THX 2022-11-07

I hope the progress can be faster~

asweetboy 2022-08-30

The turbine machinery is a highly authoritative journal. The review process is relatively long, taking almost half a year from submission to acceptance.

atz8 2021-02-05

The response speed of the manuscript review and journal editor is relatively fast. The opinions of the two reviewers are mostly positive, although one of the opinions came back later and was added to the second review. One day after submitting the second revision, I received an email from the editor indicating acceptance. The journal's impact factor and ranking are not high, but it is considered authoritative in the field of turbines, with a focus on engineering. I personally like this journal, so I submitted my paper.

2020/09/04 - Paper Submitted
2020/09/18 - Associate Editor Assigned
2020/09/24 - Paper Review Completed
2020/11/20 - Associate Editor Recommendation
2020/12/04 - Revised Paper Submitted-1
2021/01/05 - Revised Paper Submitted-2
2021/01/06 - Associate Editor Recommendation/Editor Decision: Accept As Is
2021/02/05 - On-line

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