注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

城门楼子 2023-05-05

I changed the magazine directly because it was rejected for having a repetition rate of over 30%.

城门楼子 2023-05-01

Directly transferred over with one click, submitted to the system on April 18th, and was already in the hands of the editor on the same day. When checked on April 28th, it still hadn't been reviewed, but noticed that the "with editor" status update time had changed from April 18th to April 23rd. It's the first time encountering a situation where the last update time of the manuscript status was modified, very strange...

1122~~~~ 2022-05-01

It has been three months since submission, and still no news... Is this magazine's review process very slow?

xujun 2021-12-27

One round of peer review took 35 days, and all four reviewers accepted the revised manuscript. A total of 21 issues were identified, and the editor requested major revisions, including the addition of some cell experiments. The revised manuscript was submitted one month later for a second round of peer review, which lasted three weeks. Because the reviewers' comments were all addressed as requested, the manuscript was accepted without further revisions. However, the editor found some language issues and recommended the use of a proofreading service. The manuscript was returned one week later. The submission was made on September 1, 2021, and the acceptance was received on December 20, 2021. The publication was released on December 24. The entire process lasted for three months and 20 days.

Naya33 2021-09-02

May I ask if this journal accepts reviews? Are there any formatting requirements? Are there any page charges or fees for color illustrations?

三心二意 2021-08-09

I initially submitted once, but due to various reasons such as language barrier, it was rejected. Later, I made some improvements and submitted again. After a month, I received review comments from two reviewers. One had 21 suggestions, while the other had 5. It took me 2 months to revise the manuscript, and it was accepted after 3 days of resubmission. Overall, the speed was quite fast. Although I was slow in making revisions for 2 months, the results were still satisfying. Finally, I managed to submit it and can graduate now.

加菲 2021-05-24

5.17 One reviewer gave minor revisions, while another accepted.
5.20 After revision.
5.23 Accepted.

Thank you!

加菲 2021-04-29

4.27 Return the opinions of two experts, which are pertinent. Both experts are in the relevant field and are diligently making revisions. They are suitable for acceptance!

加菲 2021-04-29

4.27 Return the opinions of the two reviewers. The opinions are very pertinent and both reviewers are experts in the relevant field. Currently under revision.

加菲 2021-04-15

3.23: Submission, quickly with editor
3.24: Under review
4.14: The timeline has been changed, but still under review
Going back and forth with this journal, good luck, in a hurry to graduate.

三心二意 2021-02-25

Posted on January 31st, I have been with the editor all along. On February 24th, it was rejected. Sigh, how can I put it, I guess it's because I didn't write it well myself.

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