注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

小蔡姬 2023-04-10

I just received feedback on the review manuscript. Sister, have you received yours?

刘晓彦 2023-02-28

It has been over a month, and still no sign of any movement. I sent a message to the editor, but no one replied.

刘晓彦 2023-02-18

It has been around 20 days since it was submitted, and it is still with the editor.

小蔡姬 2023-02-15

It has been a month for me too, still with the editor. Have you received any updates on your article recently?

xlustb 2023-02-03

The date has changed today to Feb 02, 2023, but the status remains as "With Editor" for a whole month.

xlustb 2023-02-01

No news, still with the editor. It should be the paper being edited over there.

小蔡姬 2023-01-31

Hello, I submitted to this journal and wanted to ask if there is any news about my submission. Does "with editor" mean that the paper is with the editorial team or with the reviewers?

xlustb 2023-01-31

Submitted on 2023.01.04, with the editor until now on 01.07, there has been no news or movement.

小蔡姬 2023-01-31

The theoretical calculations and experiments on crystal growth were submitted on January 10, 2023. With the editor, it will be reviewed until January 31, 2023. I don't know when there will be an update on its status.

GajunRyo 2022-10-19

Topic on computational calculations.

2022.6.10 With editor
2022.8.10 Under review
2022.9.02 Minor revision, a total of two reviewers, 12 comments, need to add some data but not difficult.
2022.9.06 Submit revised manuscript to journal.
2022.9.11 Accepted.

slrky 2021-09-27

Come to fulfill a vow.
Submitted on August 1, 2021, received two review comments on September 14, need to conduct additional experiments and make minor revisions to the content. Revised version was submitted on September 16 and accepted on September 26.
Hope this can serve as a reference for everyone.
Really like this journal and hope its impact factor continues to rise.

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