注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

星辰大海6 2022-10-01

Excuse me, do you have the email reminding me about the manuscript? I would like to refer to it; it has been 4 months since I sent it for revision. Thank you very much!

777~ 2022-07-11

Is the untrimmed ribbon full film?

jack stone 2022-04-12

Posted in September 2021, it took two months for the review process, and feedback was received in November 2021 from a total of three reviewers suggesting major revisions. In mid-November 2021, the revised manuscript (R1) was returned, and after three months, in mid-February 2022, feedback was received from two reviewers. During this time, three reminders were sent, stating that they were still waiting for the response from the final reviewer. It seems that three months is the maximum time for the review process, so the editor made a decision for minor revisions based on the feedback from the two reviewers. One week later, the revised manuscript (R2) was returned, and one month later, in mid-March 2022, a letter from the editor confirming acceptance was received. The editor's processing speed was quite fast, but some reviewers may have been too busy, causing delays in providing feedback and prolonging the submission cycle. Currently, this journal has strict screening criteria for submitted manuscripts: 1) the text should not exceed 25% similarity in plagiarism check, 2) the Figures in the main text are checked for any duplicated images, and 3) the original, uncropped Western blot images with markers should be uploaded. Therefore, the quality of the manuscripts has significantly improved, and it is expected that the journal's impact will gradually increase in the future.

王小孩 2022-02-21

The benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom. If you want to invest, just invest, as long as the organization acknowledges it.

王小孩 2022-01-08

Can I still invest this year if the risk has been eliminated?

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