认证评论 - Journal of Biophotonics
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

来日可期 2023-02-07

Finally back to Zone 2, not bad.

水电费水电费 2022-12-27

Very good journal, has returned to the second district, happy.

来日可期 2022-04-28

The paper has been successfully accepted on April 28, 2022! The editor and reviewers are very satisfied with the revisions.

来日可期 2022-04-25

2022.4.25 Submit revised manuscript, status changed to Under Review on the same day.

来日可期 2022-04-21

Update on April 20, 2022: The current status has changed to major revision. The comments provided by the reviewer are very constructive. Let's work hard on the revisions and strive for acceptance after the major revision! Keep it up!

来日可期 2022-04-20

2022.4.20 Status changed to Evaluating Recommendation.

来日可期 2022-04-03

Assigned the EIC, then displayed "Under review." Shouldn't that mean it's been sent for review?

来日可期 2022-04-01

Update, as of 2022.3.31, the status has changed to EIC: Popp, Juergen under review.

来日可期 2022-03-30

EIC: Not Assigned 28-Mar-2022 29-Mar-2022
Just submitted, this is the current status, further updates will follow.

Yotacy 2021-12-20

Posted on August 30, 2021, and received reviewer comments 2 months later (delayed due to not being able to find reviewers). After revising, waited for 3 days for acceptance. Published online at the end of November. The editor was very responsible. The tragedy is that after the update of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' classification, it dropped from Zone 2 to Zone 3. I feel like crying.

学医太坑不如代码 2021-02-02

May I ask if this magazine requires three reviewers and their email addresses? How can I find this information? Do I need to contact the reviewers in advance?

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