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lipenghui123 2022-09-13

First-time submission of a research newbie.

筑筑 2021-12-01

I recently just published an article. From submission to publication, it took a little over a month. The review process was as follows:

Submit: 18 October 2021
Under review: 19 October 2021
Major revision: 6 November 2021
Revise and resubmit: 20 November 2021
Under review: 21 November 2021
Accepted: 23 November 2021
Available online: 26 November 2021

Currently, the entire journal operates efficiently, with diligent editors. The journal information is as follows:

Time to First Decision: 2.9 weeks
Total Review Time: 5.6 weeks
Publication Time: 1.6 weeks

Those working on fundamental particle droplets, aerosols, and atmospheric science can submit to this journal.

左晓慧 2021-09-12

Submitted at noon, reviewed by the editor in the afternoon, and quickly rejected. They emailed me on the third day, saving a lot of time so I can submit the next one directly.

wtma 2021-04-19

What about those journals? Are you ready to submit? I haven't found many.

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