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还得努力 2023-06-12

How long does the "pending approval" status usually last? Approximately, how long does it take to receive the review comments?

还得努力 2023-06-12

May I ask how long the "pending approval" status has been maintained? How long does it usually take for the review comments to be received?

北博 2023-06-12

The submission is a review article, and the expert opinions are generally positive. The review process is considered to be of average duration.

还得努力 2023-06-05

Excuse me, how long does the status "Pending Approval" usually last? It has been about 3 weeks for me, but I still haven't received the first round of review comments. Is this situation normal?

paperdd 2023-06-04

Excuse me, has the blogger's submission status changed? Ah, it's been almost two months and it's still submitted.

一个哒卟柳 2023-04-24

I would like to ask everyone who has submitted, what is the status after submitting? After I finished submitting, I couldn't find any status, it only shows as a draft. I haven't been able to figure out if I have actually submitted or not.

月光林地 2023-04-12

Have you experienced a quality review?

逸仙888 2023-01-31

2022.10.07 Submission
2022.11.28 Major revision, two reviewers, 10 comments.
2022.12.29 Major revision, one reviewer approved, another expert has one comment remaining.
2023.01.26 Accepted.
The review process was decent, but sometimes it becomes troublesome when dealing with meticulous experts. Also, the APC fee of $2550 for open access in Zone 4 is a bit expensive.

怕冷星人 2022-07-03

Did you receive any email regarding integrity and quality survey before accepting? It has been almost a month since the major revision and return. The journal now says that there were issues with the previous peer review and requires additional review. They also mentioned that the revised manuscript had a change in authors and asked for an author's statement. They even asked if I wanted to withdraw the paper... Does this mean they don't want this article?

怕冷星人 2022-07-03

Posted on March 18th, I used the QQ journal submission email to send a verification email to the organization. There were also many details in between. On March 24th, the official submission was successful. On May 2nd, I sent a reminder, and on May 5th, one reviewer returned with comments. On May 16th, the editor requested major revisions (there was only one reviewer). On June 6th, I submitted the revised manuscript. On July 1st, the journal emailed me saying that they found issues with the previous peer review process and required additional peer reviews. They also asked if I wanted to withdraw the submission. Additionally, when I submitted the revised version, I added two new authors and changed the corresponding author. The journal also stated that if I choose not to withdraw the submission, I need to provide an author statement. It's exhausting... Has anyone encountered this situation before? Please let me know what the journal means now.

ophoenixo 2021-12-10

The review speed is relatively fast, but the time for submission is too long.
AE INVITED--20210916
AE INVITED--20211014
AE Assigned--20211022
Under Review--20211029
Pending Approval--20211112
Minor Revision Requested--20211121
Under Review--20211129

yangqh 2021-11-23

I have been waiting for nearly 6 months, and I have reminded them twice. It's too slow and disgusting.

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