注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Areo_ML 2023-02-11

The speed is quite fast.

Areo_ML 2022-04-30

The editing efficiency is very high. After submitting, I received feedback for revisions within a month. The external review experts were meticulous to the core, examining each reference one by one...

一脱叶子 2021-06-11

The review process was fast. The major revision was rejected. There were two reviewers, and it seemed like one of the reviewers was biased. The first reviewer said my article was interesting and had no issues, but the second reviewer rejected it for lacking innovation. The other reviewer raised four questions in the first review, and after making the necessary modifications, they agreed to accept it. The final outcome, however, was rejection.

明德 2021-04-18

Two review comments, one suggesting resubmission with revisions, and the other suggesting minor revisions. Surprisingly, the editor did not provide the opportunity for either option and directly rejected the submission. Speechless.

amoy 11 2021-01-11

Maybe quite lucky, the review speed is not slow, and the manuscript is completed in a standardized and complete manner. It is possible to receive favorable comments by carefully revising the review suggestions. Thank you.

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