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㐒罩 2023-04-19

Welcome to submit: Special Issue Title: "Geospatial Data in Wildfire Management"
(Application of Geospatial Data in Wildfire Management)
Deadline: July 15, 2023
Special Issue Journal: Fire (a journal in the third zone of Chinese Academy of Sciences, with an impact factor of 2.726)
Special Issue Official Website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/fire/special_issues/0a61501r23

木木! 2023-04-18

2022.10.15 Submission
2022.12.03 Major revision
2023.02.17 Revisions
2023.03.30 Minor revision
2023.04.12 Revisions
2023.04.18 Accepted
Overall, the process was faster than rumored, and the reviewer's comments were very detailed. The article has improved significantly.

㐒罩 2021-02-25

2019.9: Submission, external review
2020.1: Major revision
2020.6: Resubmission, external review
2020.11: Minor revision
2021.1: Submission, external review
2021.2: Accepted

菜鸡互啄 2021-01-23

The top journal in the field of forest fire, the official journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire. There are relatively few Chinese submissions.

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