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whosed2 2023-07-17

Too slow, the manuscript was submitted at the end of February, and it wasn't until May that there were reviewers to review it. I still haven't received any news up until now. It's already September, and I'll be in my third year of graduate studies. Sigh, I really want to graduate.

北博 2023-06-12

The journal is quite famous in the field of automobiles, but the editorial department's processing and publication speeds are relatively slow. The first review takes about 3 months, and it took 2 months after replying to the revisions to be accepted.

蛋蛋单单 2022-04-08

Posted for a whole year, the first review took 8 months, but this journal has a pretty good reputation, ranking among the top 5 automotive journals.

D.espair 2022-02-25

2021.08.25 - Submitted
2021.10.18 - First review
2022.02.03 - Accepted

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