注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

青蛙爱吃醋 2022-12-11

Not suitable for those who are impatient for results and beginners, but suitable for those who have accumulated certain knowledge in their academic field and have summarizing academic insights.

Tony 2022-02-19

The experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are amazing.

xuxuan 2021-12-27

Unbelievable, completely clueless, it turns out that the goal of our struggle is a third-tier journal.

落空 2021-12-25

Has the Chinese Academy of Sciences appointed experts to review the journal IJRR? It is not in the top three sections, which is truly hilarious.

piggy_one 2021-12-21

Record: In the upgraded version of the 2021 Chinese Academy of Sciences new division, IJRR has been classified into the third tier. Hahaha, I'm laughing so much that I'm losing my teeth.

drrrrr 2021-08-23

Undisputed Machine Learning T1 may be because there are too few people in China who have developed it, so it is arbitrarily divided.

Shin2019 2021-06-03

Is this not a reputable journal? It must be a joke!!!

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