认证评论 - International Journal of Pavement Engineering
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Big Trees 2023-05-03

The manuscript submitted in December last year is still under review, it has been six months already, I'm crying!!!

geotech 2023-03-21

May I ask when the external audit will begin?

心江 2023-02-24

2022.11.29 With Journal Administrator
2022.12.01 With Editor
2022.12.08 With Editor
2023.01.15 Out for Review
2023.02.15 Reminder: The editor mentioned that the reviewers did not submit their comments on time, and a reminder has been sent.
2023.02.23 Reminder
2023.02.24 Rejected: The external reviewer did not provide any comments. The associate editor rejected it for lack of innovation???

Big Trees 2023-02-23

Posted on 2022.12.14, the system displayed that it would be sent for external review on 2023.1.13. On 2023.2.23, I went to the post office to inquire about the status of the manuscript with the editorial department. The editor replied, "Typically, we expect the peer review process to take between 12-16 weeks, however there are occasions during which for reasons beyond the control of this journal, the process may take a little longer than we anticipate." The editorial department's service and attitude were sincere, and they were also working hard. I wish everyone a smooth submission!

小智哥 2022-11-25

It has been a month with the journal administrator, is this normal?

什么时候中一区 2022-09-21

2022-9-20 submit
2022-9-21 under review

剑歌 2022-06-22

The editors are not very responsible, the reviewers are not professional, and the review process has been going on for nearly two years without completion. I will not choose this journal in the future.

edmond 2022-06-22

A mediocre journal.

slash 2022-05-23

Can you leave a contact information? Let's communicate and discuss submission matters.

恩恩啦啦啦 2022-05-16

I would like to ask some questions regarding the submission of articles to this journal. I am in the field of road direction (emulsified asphalt).

bear 2022-04-15

After returning for revision, it has been over a month with the editor. The response to my urgent request for the manuscript is quite official. It used to be quite fast, but now the editor won't be isolated, right?

Anniebaby999 2022-03-12

May I ask how long it took from submission to review?

科研垃圾 2022-01-18

the following WeChat number is provided for communication: ly1308110437

hiton1984 2021-09-24

Although the handling speed of the manuscript is relatively slow, it is still within an acceptable range.

科研垃圾 2021-03-21

The reviewers and associate editors are working hard to help the authors improve the quality of the article. Overall, although it is time-consuming, it is worth it!

小马的大头 2021-03-13

Excuse me, may I ask if it's possible?

小马的大头 2021-03-13

Hello, would you like to add WeChat to inquire about the submission matters of IJPE?

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