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御风而行 2022-09-03

Why is the speed so slow? One reviewer recommended acceptance, while the other said the language needs polishing. The editor provided minor revisions to improve the language. After making careful revisions, the manuscript was submitted. It has been almost four months. Two reminders were sent in the meantime, but the editor asked for patience.

December 9th: Manuscript submitted.
April 28th: Minor revisions.
May 7th: Revised manuscript submitted.
May 10th: Under review.
May 21st: One feedback received.
Three reminders were sent in the meantime, the editor's attitude was good, but no action was taken.

September 14th: Another reminder sent.
September 15th: Accepted.

Daniele 2022-06-08

The review process is quite long, but the result is good!

华北山大王 2022-01-11

Submission: September 11, 2021;
Feedback: November 22, 2021 (major revision);
Resubmission: December 12, 2021;
Acceptance: January 11, 2022.
Celebrating my first SCI publication! The feedback from the two reviewers wasn't too difficult. Just the review process was a bit slow.

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