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大方向超导 2022-11-13

The paper has finally been accepted after a few minor revisions, but I don't know if there will be any charges. Also, I haven't received any acceptance letter.

大方向超导 2022-09-01

The RRC has replied and mentioned that further modifications are required. They have mostly agreed with the suggestions and the main task is to add a few reference articles and answer a small question. The format, however, has not been questioned by anyone.

大方向超导 2022-08-23

It has been a week since the RRC stage, and there is still no news. I don't know if I have been hired or not. I have made modifications before, and the first RRC quickly gave a result, saying it needed revision, but I don't know what happened during the second review. I also don't know the final result of the first article by the junior master student. It must be accepted, sob.

SEU土木 2021-10-30

Submitted on March 23, 2021, there was a change in the timeline in the middle, and then no news. I sent three reminders and four withdrawal letters, but never received a response. I really don't know if I can resubmit. I'm afraid that submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals will affect my future submissions. What kind of situation is this?! Now I receive one withdrawal letter per day. I really want to submit to another journal. Does anyone have any suggestions in this situation?

manji 2021-09-19

Under review since May 2020 until now, awkward!!!

SEU土木 2021-09-06

What did the original poster do later? I sent two withdrawal letters, but there was no response. It has been almost half a year and there is no news about the article. I have sent over a dozen emails, but none of them have been answered. I will never submit again in the future.

SEU土木 2021-08-08

Hello, the editor of this journal does not reply to emails, the manuscript cannot be withdrawn, and I cannot contact them. What should I do? I can't keep wasting my year-long work like this.

yanwurui 2021-04-19

Excuse me, teacher. How much is the page fee for your article after it is accepted? Is the review cycle for each round 1-2 months? Thank you.

打工人打工魂 2021-04-12

I also applied before when my junior sister was in her second year of graduate school. It's been almost a year since we started working, but I have no intention of worrying about it anymore. O(∩_∩)O

时光流逝 2345 2021-04-10

This journal is really hard to describe. The review process was quite fast, about a month or so. The revisions were also done quickly, with the second revision being completed and sent back promptly. However, after that, it seemed to disappear into thin air, continuously under review. It has been over a year since then, and I have no idea why I have been waiting for so long. I have already revised it twice, and it's difficult to withdraw it now. Moreover, the second revision only made minor changes to one or two sentences. I really don't understand what the editor is thinking. It would have been better if they didn't want it at all. During this period, I sent reminder emails six or seven times, but received no response. This is absolutely outrageous. I really don't want to waste any more time, so I sent a withdrawal letter, but still no reply. What kind of situation is this? Be cautious when submitting.

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