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行云流水 2023-06-30

Partitioning and using "IF" does not necessarily equate to influence and industry recognition. In the field of GIS, top journals place a high value on innovation and experimental data. English language requirements are relatively high, with a preference for lengthy articles. Theoretical and experimental analyses must be thorough, and the manuscript review process is highly professional. Reviewers pose specialized questions to ensure the rigor of the paper, and only exceptional individuals are accepted for publication.

等结果ing 2022-11-28

Previously, I was involved in remote sensing, but I switched to GIS for my Ph.D. Since then, I have only heard about a "mysterious" journal in the GIS field, which has a low impact factor and ranking, but everyone reveres it. So, I had a dream of publishing an article in IJGIS. Finally, I achieved it at the beginning of my third year of Ph.D.

Overall, the experience was excellent. The reviewers were the most supportive I have ever seen. They were undoubtedly experts in the field, yet they provided feedback and criticism from a standpoint of helping the authors improve their work. This should be the original intention of the peer review system. However, unfortunately, not many journals currently achieve this. So, based on this point alone, I understand why IJGIS has such a high status.

Here is a timeline for reference:

2022-04-16: Submission
2022-04-25: Under review
2022-05-31: Major revisions
2022-08-28: Revised submission
2022-09-15: Under review
2022-10-26: Accepted
2022-11-17: Published

FengGaoGis 2021-10-15

IJGIS, a well-known professional journal in the field of GIS, is highly regarded in remote sensing (RSE).
As a second-year graduate student from a non-elite institution, I was fortunate to have my paper accepted under the guidance of my advisor. The research focus was on spatiotemporal data analysis.
The paper went through a major revision and a minor revision during the process. The three reviewers were highly knowledgeable and their questions were sharp and clear. After the significant changes made, the paper improved significantly.
PS. I hope that one day IJGIS will be included in the first district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中科院一区) as it continues to grow and improve.

骑驴逛武大 2021-09-15

Posted in May 2020, the editor-in-chief provided two rounds of revision comments, followed by two major revisions and two minor revisions. Finally, it was accepted in August 2021. There were a total of three very professional reviewers, each specializing in GIS, RS, and CV fields, respectively. To address the issues, extensive testing was conducted, surpassing the experiments mentioned in the article, and the response to the comments exceeded the length of the article. The editor-in-chief was very nice, and after a 15-month journey, the paper was finally accepted.

bando 2021-03-07

IJGIS is the highest level international journal in the field of Geographic Information Systems. It is a sacred place for scholars in this field who hope to publish their research papers. Its Impact Factor has also been consistently increasing in recent years.

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