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Magical26 2021-10-31

After submission, the article went through an internal review by the editor-in-chief (approximately one week) and an external review by two reviewers (approximately one month). Subsequently, the article received two relatively positive opinions. After making the necessary revisions and submitting them (approximately two weeks), the editor-in-chief promptly agreed to publish the article (within 4 days). Under the management of Prof. Stern, IGR has become one of the most efficient journals. He usually provides some revision suggestions during the internal review stage for articles that he deems to have potential, emphasizing the importance of considering these suggestions, which may greatly benefit the entire review process.

辰砂 2021-03-27

Submitted on August 5, 2019, I made three revisions with the editor. It underwent external review on October 8th and received the reviewer's comments on December 14th. The revised manuscript was submitted on January 7th, 2020, and accepted on February 22nd. The editor-in-chief, Robert J. Stern, is very kind and responsible. He first examines the paper and provides suggestions, ranging from the structure, content, to figures. His suggestions are very detailed, and the paper is only sent for review after meeting his requirements. The opinions of the three reviewers were also professional. One of them gave a rejection, although the language was impolite, the suggestions were helpful for improving the paper. The revised manuscript was sent back to the reviewers until they had no further comments before accepting it. In general, IGR has taught me a lot and is a trustworthy journal. The only drawback is that the revision time is tight, as only one month was given for major revisions. In the future, if given the opportunity, I will consider this journal again.

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