认证评论 - IET Image Processing
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luckyshining 2023-07-19

Darling, I want to ask you how long did it take for you to receive the email regarding payment and other follow-up work after accepting? I was confused after accepting and don't know what to do next. Thank you so much!!!

Winer 2023-06-29

May I ask what is the current status of the review process?

5558 2023-06-08

5.3 under review means that something is being reviewed or assessed. "一直到今天没动过,我已经打算催稿了" translates to "Until today, nothing has been done. I am planning to urge for the manuscript."

站着等风来 2023-06-05

Add some supplementary information to the content below. The journal has a high efficiency and places a significant emphasis on innovation. The reviewers' opinions are also quite professional, and there may be some difficult questions to answer.

站着等风来 2023-06-05

2023-04-12 Submission
2023-04-19 Rejected and Resubmit
2023-04-22 Resubmitted
2023-05-13 Minor Revision
2023-06-05 Accepted

aoaohu 2023-06-03

4.19投稿 - Submitted on April 19th
4.21under review - Under review on April 21st
6.3under review - Under review on June 3rd
大家分享下一审多长时间 - Everyone, please share how long the first review takes.

没有烦恼的鱼 2023-05-24

How long did it take for you to receive the review comments from pending?

5558 2023-05-09

Hello! How long has your "under review" status been lasting?

weishuai 2023-05-07

May 7th, the feedback finally came back.

5558 2023-05-07

Under Review 2023.5.5 translates to "Under Review May 5, 2023."

灰色头像Vae 2023-05-03

Hello, what is your current situation? I changed from "under" to "pending" for about 10 days, what's going on?

weishuai 2023-04-26

My submission status has switched between "under review" and "pending decision" three times. It's frustrating. Now, both "under review" and "pending decision" are appearing at the same time. I don't know if it's because many journals from Wiley have recently switched to Hindawi, causing the system to crash.

没有烦恼的鱼 2023-04-24

2023.4.3 Submission
2023.4.5 Under review
2023.4.17 Pending recommendation
2023.4.24 Under review

L.Y.Q. 2023-04-23

After the acceptance of the paper, will the editor send a payment link?

hua12 2023-04-18

Is there a template when submitting the articles at the beginning?

move on move 2023-03-23

Did your submission experience last for one year?

樱雪 2023-01-18

After uploading the revised version in Word format, when submitting, the View HTML Proof shows that the formatting of the article is different from the submitted format. Many parts of the article are messy. Do any experienced people know about this situation?

leefly072 2023-01-14

The charges are particularly high, the review fee is 2300 USD, and there are also taxes and fees. In total, it amounts to 17,000 Chinese yuan.

paper_accept 2023-01-09

Excuse me, is it necessary to upload the revised draft in .doc format? How can I upload a tex file? I uploaded a PDF, and the compressed file with tex was returned.

催化静子 2022-12-30

The review and editing are both very good.

paper_accept 2022-12-21

May I ask how long your pending decision will take?

kair 2022-12-07

Brother, my IET image processing has also been accepted on 12.02. Have you received any emails regarding the publication fee? The acceptance email did not mention the publication fee or the subsequent process clearly, so I am a bit confused.

xzwyb 2022-12-02

2022.12.01 status changed to pending decision
2022.12.02 accept

xzwyb 2022-11-25

My status is currently pending recommendation, and I am also unsure how long it will take.

xzwyb 2022-11-25

Posted on August 29, 2021
Received first review on June 14, 2021: Major revisions
Returned on July 1, 2022
Received second review on August 20, 2022: Major revisions
Returned on September 6, 2022
Received third review on October 12, 2022: Minor revisions
Returned on October 19, 2022
Under review since October 26, 2022
November 19, 2022 onwards: Pending Recommendation

xzwyb 2022-11-25

How long does it take? Mine is the third review.

努力要毕业啊! 2022-11-13

Is there any specific requirement for the format? I found a universal word template on the official website. Is it in two columns?

zhutouduo 2022-11-04

I want to ask the original poster, how long after being hired will the notification for proofreading and payment of the layout fee be given?

zoe 2022-10-17

It has been one week since pending recommendation.

paper_accept 2022-10-03

Hello, may I ask how many days have you been in the allocation editor? Mine has also been in the status of "undergoing initial checking" all the time.

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