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Ken_Hu 2023-06-09

Submitted on April 29th
Received notice for major revision on May 9th
The deadline for revision is June 7th. Due to the first sunny day, I was delayed for over a week. My advisor is busy with other projects and doesn't have time to make revisions. I'm so upset. Now I don't know what to do. I sent an email requesting an extension to TMTT admin/AE/CIE, but haven't received a response. If I exceed the deadline for major revision, will TMTT still give me a chance to resubmit? I'm so sad.

爱喝雪碧的二十七 2023-04-09

I think there is a great opportunity to respond to all the reviewers' questions one by one, with a more sincere attitude.

123mnb 2023-03-20

May I ask the seniors for advice on the first review, which suggests rejection and resubmission after modifications? There are two reviewers with six suggestions. Is this opportunity promising? The editor-in-chief and the deputy editor both recommended resubmission and acknowledged the amount of work we have done.

123mnb 2023-03-20

The first time I submitted to such a good journal. I would like to ask if senior researchers have ever submitted to IEEE MTT. The first review suggested revising and resubmitting, with 2 reviewers and 6 suggestions. Is this a good opportunity? Both the editor-in-chief and the associate editor have recommended resubmission and acknowledged the amount of work we have done.

123mnb 2023-03-20

This is the first time I have submitted to such a good journal. I would like to ask the seniors if they have ever submitted to IEEE MTT before. The first review suggested revising and resubmitting, with 6 recommendations from 2 reviewers. Is this a good opportunity? Both the editor-in-chief and the associate editor have recommended resubmitting and acknowledged the effort we have put into our work.

爱喝雪碧的二十七 2023-03-09

2022 12.20 Submission
2023 1.17 Major revision
2023 2.10 Return for major revision
2023 3.8 Accepted directly
Both the first and second reviews are within one month. TMTT is truly efficient, praise!

回忆心觅 2023-03-05

Submitted on November 23, 2022.
Major repair on January 3, 2023.
Returned for repair on February 1, 2023.
Hired on February 15, 2023.

eyinwei 2023-02-06

Was the submission made in August 2022 still under review now?

Max_Fu 2022-12-09




minor revision



Due to the extended delivery period caused by the pandemic. In any case, the opinions of the reviewers are very professional and the review speed is also okay.

大开大海 2022-11-17

Excuse me, is re-submission suggested in the review letter? If rejection does not mention re-submission, does it mean re-submission is not allowed?

GG 2022-10-12

Translate the following text into English: "The first submission to the most authoritative journal in the field of microwave, TMTT. The initial review took 20 days, and three reviewers (one agreed to accept) rejected the submission. The Associate Editor (AE) suggested resubmitting based on the modification suggestions. After a careful revision for one month, it was resubmitted and directly accepted after a two-month initial review!"

CEM-DGTD 2022-10-09

09-Mar-2022 submitted
22-May-2022 Major Revision
04-Jun-2022 resubmitted
21-Aug-2022 Reject and recommend resubmit
30-Aug-2022 resubmitted
09-Oct-2022 Accept
The whole process took a total of 6 months.

Geniusheng 2022-10-05

Already received, the review process takes one and a half months, and so far I have been accepted for two papers. Currently, there is one rejection, but I resubmitted it because I feel the journal's quality is very good. The reviewers have provided many excellent suggestions that have been very helpful for the article.

rivers 2022-09-05

May I ask, what field are you working in, brother?

CEM-DGTD 2022-08-31

My first version was a major revision, after which there was a minor revision and a submission. The editor's summary concluded that the main modification was in the language and asked me to resubmit. I just resubmitted yesterday, and today it is under review. Good luck!

Geniusheng 2022-08-28

Posted on 2022.3.29,
Rejected on 2022.5.10,
After the rejection, I read the reviewer's comments and felt that they did not understand what we wrote. The article's structure was messy and lacked innovation.
After receiving the notification, I reworked the manuscript, redesigned the article's structure, and processed the data again, resulting in satisfactory results. I made many revisions in the process.
Submitted again on 2022.6.22,
Major revisions given on 2022.8.02,
Submitted again on 2022.8.23, during which there was an issue with the website's title format, and the editor helped with the modification. Reviewed again on the 28th, hoping for a favorable outcome.

I feel that the journal's quality is very good, and the reviewer's comments are all professional. It has greatly contributed to my academic improvement. The reviewers are also very thorough. I had one article accepted last year and now I am submitting two more this year. I feel that as long as you don't give up and persist in staying at the forefront of academia, there is a high possibility of success, provided that you take each review question seriously and make unremitting efforts.

Good luck to everyone~

CEM-DGTD 2022-08-22

I also made revisions and resubmitted it. There were two reviewers, one reviewer agreed to accept it and the other requested minor revisions. The main issue was the language. Do I still have a chance in this situation?

Geniusheng 2022-06-28

Good magazine. I have also had one article accepted, which took 4 months from submission to acceptance. I submitted another article this year and received rejection feedback within a month. I am resubmitting and currently waiting.

Martin001 2022-04-01

Did you receive your final result? I submitted in early June, received a rejection after 10 days and resubmitted, and made minor revisions for 4 months and 10 days. Currently, it is the fourth week of being under review.

GSI2018 2022-03-01

Posted in May 2021, a 3-month major revision was accumulated.
A 3-month minor revision.
Currently in the sixth week of the minor revision review, no results yet, won't be able to graduate on time.

Bingo是它的名字 2021-11-22

Submitted in early June, the first review results were expected to be released after approximately two months. Both the editor and the reviewer provided very positive feedback, but I still spent a month revising the paper seriously (the response was longer than the main text).

In early September, I submitted with great anticipation, feeling that it might be directly accepted (the paper had innovative points, and the feedback from the first round was mostly positive). After a month passed with no news, I speculated that it might have been sent for review again.

In mid-October, still no news. Did they find a new external reviewer again?

In November, still no news. I felt a bit disappointed and thought it might be a tragedy. I gave up on it.

I waited until today and opened my email to find an acceptance notification. I read the feedback from the editor and the reviewer, both of which were positive and affirming. Thankfully, everything turned out fine.

But why does it still require three months for the second review?

Come on, microwave community! Keep fighting!

xilam 2021-11-13

8.28 Submission
8.30 Under review
10.8 Major revision, minor revision, acceptance
10.26 Revisions requested
11.11 Direct acceptance

One of the top journals in the field of microwave and millimeter waves, a well-established journal with rapid review process and comprehensive professional feedback.

xilam 2021-10-30

10.8 Rework
10.28 Submit modifications
Continue waiting

柳陌 2021-10-17

Top journal in the field of microwave, none other, unfortunately did not pay attention to impact factor before.

pegn 2021-10-17

It took 6 months, the review was rigorous, and it was published in a top journal in the field, as well as the top publications in electrical, antenna, circuit, and microwave areas of IEEE TAP.

linghuchong 2021-10-14

Currently, the TMTT review process is quite fast. It is an excellent journal in the field of microwave circuits and other related areas.

Submission Experience:
April 26, 2021 - Submitted
April 28, 2021 - Under review
June 1, 2021 - Major Revision
July 1, 2021 - Resubmit
July 6, 2021 - Under review
August 20, 2021 - Minor Revision
September 3, 2021 - Resubmit
September 27, 2021 - Under review
October 10, 2021 - Accepted

xilam 2021-09-23

2021.8.28 Submission
2021.8.30 Under review
Excellent well-established journal in the field of microwave/millimeter wave. Waiting has begun, hoping for a good outcome.

Geniusheng 2021-09-12

On May 14th, I submitted an MTT with a self-perceived innovative idea, which could open up a new direction.
On June 30th, I received feedback for major revisions, and the editor suggested resubmission. At that time, I had only provided partial results for the algorithm, intending to save the rest for future publication. Upon receiving this feedback, I made all the necessary modifications and included them in the resubmission.
On July 30th, I made the requested revisions, and on August 6th, I submitted it for review.
On September 14th, it was directly accepted.

dsz 2021-08-25

Microwave is a top-tier journal in the field, serving as a prelude to impacting other comprehensive advanced journals and moving towards broader prospects in microwave applications. Microwave is a relatively mature industry, and this journal focuses on applied research, publishing practical and in-depth content. The process of responding to reviewers also helps broaden knowledge and deepen understanding.

Geniusheng 2021-08-11

Submitted, the reviewer is very interested, the editor gave an opportunity for major revisions.
Since Professor Ma took over as the editor-in-chief of this journal, the speed of the review process has been very fast, and it has become a reputable journal.

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