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opd欧派 2023-07-27

Why has my under review status continued for over a month without an assigned AE?

小乘佛法 2023-07-25

2023-7-24 submit - Submitted on July 24, 2023
2023-7-25 Under Review - Under review by AE for initial review.

KFC_Grandpa 2023-06-02

Approximately 4 months.

sunshinesun 2023-04-18

Hello, I would like to ask, how long did it take for your article to be submitted and accepted?

KFC_Grandpa 2023-03-21

After giving it a try once, and then another time, you gain experience. This time, after making some modifications, it was accepted directly.

哈哈小哥 2023-03-16

Translation: The Trans Journal is of good quality. The only issue is that the author column needs to include member information. Nowadays, there are very few papers accepted without being a fellow.

跑哥 2023-02-25

Great, you're hired, professional!!!

TITIM 2022-12-23

Does anyone know if this journal, "awaiting reviewer scores," has been sent for review or is it still being reviewed by the editor? It seems like the paper status doesn't show "under review."

清华吴彦祖 2022-12-21

Posted on 2022-12-18.
Rejected by AE on 2022-12-21.
Reason: Introduced new terminology, AE thinks I proposed a new bio-inspired meta-heuristic.
I directly suspect that AE didn't even read the article. In the paper, I used a new computational framework as a paradigm, not a meta-heuristic algorithm. Moreover, the contribution clearly stated that this paper's contribution lies in extracting a new combinatorial optimization model from practical problems, with no mention of meta-heuristic algorithms throughout. Yet, the AE blindly states that I designed a new meta-heuristic algorithm. Evolutionary computation is truly uninteresting. Others can propose a Transformer in the field of AI without any issue, but I get rejected just for suggesting a new name for a framework with good results. I won't submit to this journal in the future.

Geoleg 2022-12-14

It has already been accepted on the 12th of September.

TITIM 2022-12-10

Hello, may I ask if the journal "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" is under review or being reviewed by the editor?

liuhuan0204 2022-09-22

After going through two rounds of revisions, the first round of peer review took 4 months, followed by 3 months of revisions. The second round of peer review took 2 months, with 1 month of revisions. The submission process took 2 months before acceptance.

bzk 2022-09-13

May I ask what is the review process of TEVC? Is it normal for it to be under review for a month? What are the subsequent steps?

bzk 2022-09-13

Excuse me, are you "Under Review"? How is it going now? Is "Under Review" for external review?

对不起,该用户昵称已被注册 2022-09-03

After a year, I made another attempt at TEVC.
The journal's review process is relatively stable, with a three-month deadline. Both of my articles were submitted right before the deadline.
Reviewer 1 suggested acceptance with major revisions.
Reviewer 2 likely didn't have time to review properly and only raised two questions about the parameters, which I had actually addressed in the article. They probably didn't have time to read it.
Reviewer 3 thought the conclusions were not convincing enough, so they recommended against publication.
The editor's final decision was to reject the submission, and it was extremely strict.
I am satisfied with my submission this time; the review comments were much better than last year. I still remember the feeling of being harshly criticized by TEVC reviewers last year.
Once again, I emphasize the importance of having a prominent figure supporting you. Their influence can offset some negative review comments, but I haven't had the opportunity to have such a connection yet.

Geoleg 2022-07-08

It has been a month and it is still "Under review". It's tough.

对不起,该用户昵称已被注册 2022-05-07

Soft computing has been quite slow recently, and now there is a huge amount of submissions. It feels like many people who don't submit to zone 1 or 2 consider soft computing as their first choice.

Sanliwa 2022-02-17

Overall, it was quite difficult. The reviewer's comments were very fair and professional. After going through two major revisions, it was finally accepted on New Year's Day.

laofu88 2022-02-11

soft computing can also be spread

小菜鸟 2021-12-03

This journal, TEVC, is particularly focused on relationships compared to other journals. Unless the article is particularly outstanding or has connections with influential figures in the field, most articles will be rejected. Our laboratory colleagues publish articles of a level like Soft Computing and attach the fellow title to them, then submit directly to TC and TEVC. Without connections, it is advisable to be cautious when submitting articles.

对不起,该用户昵称已被注册 2021-11-30

I wrote an article this year, and after my advisor read it, he thought I could give TEVC a try. The journal's speed is quite fast, as the editor sent it for external review in less than a week. After three months of external review, it was returned with a rejection.
By chance, I found out who one of the reviewers was, and indeed, they are a top expert in the industry. Through comparing their reviewer comments with their own published articles, I discovered some issues. I want to share them to prevent my colleagues from making the same mistakes:
1. It seems beneficial to have connections with influential experts. I read a top journal article from an ordinary university student in China, and it didn't impress me much. However, because it had this influential expert as a co-author, it seemed to have some impact.
2. It appears that journals like TEVC may not solely focus on the quality of the article, as some colleagues have mentioned. The reviewer raised some points that were present in their own article. For example, I used the same comparison algorithm data as in one of their recent articles, yet they claimed my comparison algorithms were outdated. It seems a bit hypocritical.
3. It is important to strictly follow the experimental analysis process of the journal. Although it doesn't seem explicitly stated anywhere (at least I haven't found it), it is advisable to reference published articles to avoid the situation I faced, where the reviewer used it against me.

vx-FXS_97 2021-08-19

Please respect the original author of this text and indicate the source! Can the entire text be copied as is?

"This thing called evolutionary algorithm, it's true that it's effective, and it's also true that it's not effective at all.
Here's an explanation to elevate its status.
1. It is a general algorithm that can solve any problem.
2. For problems with low efficiency in solving, if you solely rely on evolutionary algorithms, the efficiency is indeed low compared to traditional algorithms and mathematical algorithms. This is because traditional algorithms and mathematical methods are specifically designed for specific problems. But for evolutionary algorithms, you haven't done anything! You can also add artificially designed heuristic factors within this algorithm, and the efficiency of the final hybrid algorithm will only be higher, not lower.
3. The idea behind this thing is actually consistent with reinforcement learning. With the emergence of AlphaGo, who dares to say that reinforcement learning is useless? How does reinforcement learning work? Random sampling and using the sampled data to update the strategy, and then using the strategy to obtain new samples. How does evolutionary algorithm work? Randomly generating initial solutions, and updating and generating new solutions based on existing solutions. Do you think these two are fundamentally different?
This thing is awesome, but due to its low entry barrier, it is mixed with too many inferior products, which lowers the overall standard."

暴走小米粒 2021-06-20

How long does it usually take for you to leave "Under review"? It has been a month for me and I'm still here, 555.

暴走小米粒 2021-06-20

Are you still not hired now?

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