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战神小七 2023-08-03

2023-7-28 Submitted
2023-7-28 in peer review
2023-8-2 Awaiting Recommendation
2023-8-3 Awaiting Decision

impulse 2023-08-02

Hello, how are your results? Mine have been in peer review for about 20 days and then it went into awaiting decision.

牧之 2023-07-11

I have a total of three reviewers.

jiangzhifang 2023-07-09

Brother, how many reviewers are there in your first round of reviewing?

SCF_* 2023-06-18

Brother, how long do we have to wait for a recommendation?

SCF_* 2023-05-16

How long does it usually take for a first-instance trial?

憨憨1 2023-03-07

Ah, it's a bit scary. After the first review and major revision, encountering this situation in the second review, should we...

牧之 2023-02-26

The editor should not make a decision based on the reviewer's comments, so it is necessary to find another reviewer.

憨憨1 2023-02-11

May I ask if the author has experienced a situation during the second review where the paper status changed from "Awaiting Recommendation" to "In Peer Review"? What could be the reason for this change?

牧之 2022-12-06

2022.07.20: Submission
2022.09.18: Major revision
2022.09.26: Major revision resubmission
2022.10.16: Minor revision
2022.11.06: Minor revision resubmission
2022.12.01: Acceptance
During the major revision, I did not make substantial improvements, which almost led to rejection. Fortunately, I made significant changes during the minor revision and submitted before the deadline, resulting in a positive outcome. One of the reviewers provided crucial feedback, pointing out many issues I had not noticed. The process of revising the paper also taught me a lot. Overall, the submission experience was excellent, and I hope this journal continues to improve.

6t 2022-11-28

Why is it that I have only been waiting for more than 20 days and it already says "Awaiting Recommendation"? Does this mean I will be rejected? I'm so worried.

牧之 2022-09-14

How long does the "awaiting recommendation" status last after the first instance of TCASI is completed?

FFF7 2022-09-12

May I ask if there is a page limit for the first submission of this journal? If so, how many pages are allowed?

Yuoo 2022-09-06

Sorry, I just saw this. This journal cannot exceed 15 pages, it is a strict requirement. "In peer review" means it has already undergone peer review. Once I submit it, it will take about one to two weeks for the editor-in-chief to assign it. You can wait and see.

王二。 2022-08-25

Looking at this journal, many articles are not more than 15 pages. However, I didn't see any page requirements on the official website. Could you please clarify if there are any requirements?

背包1997 2022-08-06

Hello, does the status "In Peer Review" mean the same as "under review"?

芒果1998 2022-07-07

Hello! Sir! I wanted to ask if there have been any cases of not being assigned an editor after submitting an article? Is it normal for this situation to last for over a week? Should I send an email to remind the editor? Thank you very much, sir!

Yuoo 2022-07-06

The reviewer is very professional and friendly, and the comments given are very valuable.
Submitted on March 11, 2022. Revised on April 29. Resubmitted on June 9. Accepted on June 26.

芒果1998 2022-07-06

Hello! Boss! I would like to ask if I need to send an email to remind them as it has been over a week since I submitted my contribution and they haven't assigned me an editor yet.

芒果1998 2022-07-06

Why haven't I been assigned an editor for over a week since I submitted my manuscript? Should I send an email to remind them? Thank you, esteemed individuals.

H_L 2022-04-22

A journal with a good feeling, the review comments are very professional, the EIC, AE, and ADM are all very serious and responsible, and the efficiency is very high. The email replies are also very timely. The first review took less than two months, and I replied with my revisions in 40 days (the deadline given was 42 days). The second review took half a month to be accepted. Although the impact factor is not very high, overall, it feels like the EIC, AE, ADM, and reviewers are all very serious. It feels like this journal will get better and better.

LIMO1992 2022-03-09

Less than two months for the first review, one month for revising the review comments, and two weeks for acceptance after submitting the revised comments! The editor in charge of my paper is ZHAO WEISHENG from Beihang University, and he is very efficient!

LIMO1992 2022-03-06

The second review is back in two weeks, Awaiting Recommendation; Waiting for the result!

LIMO1992 2022-02-21

Translation: The direction of research on power electronics topology deduction for submission is very professional, and the opinions of the journal reviewers are excellent.

xstsz 2021-12-23

I just less than half a year.

天下文章一大抄 2021-09-19

The journal is fine, but the review process takes a long time, from submission to acceptance, nearly 11 months.

dajiaoban 2021-04-10

Now TCAS-I has become faster. It was submitted in early December 2020, underwent major revisions in mid-January 2021, underwent minor revisions in early March, and the results were released in early April.

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