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代号table 2023-07-03

6.21 Submit
6.23-7.1 Waiting for AE assignment
7.2- With Reviewers

Double L 2023-04-16

Hello, I would like to ask, it has been 16 days since I submitted my contribution, why is it still "with editor"? Is this normal?

高进斯坦 2023-03-30

Posted on December 10, 2022
Received review results on January 19, 2023
Received revised manuscript on January 27, 2023
Accepted on March 6, 2023
The process from submission to acceptance took about 3 months, which went smoothly and at a good speed. There were two reviewers. It seems that this journal values innovative ideas, and as long as the idea is novel, even if the writing is not perfect, they will provide an opportunity for revision.

klwang 2023-02-26

The submission process is still very fast, and the editing process is handled very promptly, usually taking one or two days. The majority of the time is spent in the review stage. Submit quickly if you want to publish quickly!

CQXW 2023-01-03

Hello, I would like to ask, it has been a month and a half since I submitted my contribution, why is it still "with editor"? Is this normal?

JackyOne 2022-09-13

6.24 submitted
6.25 Awaiting AE assignment
7.02 with Editor
7.13 with Reviewers
7.30 under review
8.02 with Reviewers
8.22 moderate revisions
8.31 submitted with Editor
9.01 with Reviewers
9.09 under review
9.13 Awaiting Decision
9.13 accept


6.24 submitted
6.25 Awaiting Associate Editor assignment
7.02 with Editor
7.13 with Reviewers
7.30 under review
8.02 with Reviewers
8.22 moderate revisions
8.31 submitted with Editor
9.01 with Reviewers
9.09 under review
9.13 Awaiting Decision
9.13 accept

llll 2022-02-19

May I ask how much is the fee for submitting to this magazine? In total, how much money does it cost to directly submit the manuscript? Thank you.

是一只羊 2021-07-05

Can I ask if the original poster will still send the revised manuscript back to the same reviewer after the two-month revision period, or will it be returned to the original reviewer? And when resubmitting, is it necessary to upload the response to the previous reviewer's comments?

zhizunxiaobao5@126.com 2021-01-26

The magazine's processing is very fast, the editor is very nice, and the email replies are prompt. It's a great magazine. There aren't many free magazines like this anymore, so the Chinese Academy of Sciences should really protect it. Voluntary payment, open-access magazines have higher impact factors and faster speed, but they are too expensive for green peppers.

一只小菜鸟 2021-01-20

The magazine's feedback is very prompt. If it is in the "with editors" status, it means they have not yet found enough reviewers to review the manuscript. The specific time depends on when the reviewers agree to review it, so it's a matter of luck. The subsequent status is "under review".

murphy0130 2021-01-20

May I ask about the approximate timeline? How many months will it take to receive feedback on the first trial result?

一只小菜鸟 2021-01-20

Formerly a second-tier journal, unfortunately, its impact factor did not keep up with the trend. Although it has now become a third-tier journal in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it still requires a high level of innovation. It does not accept recommended reviewers (there is no such section for submission), so the review process is relatively fair. The chosen reviewers are highly specialized and provide direct and insightful feedback. The journal has a fast processing speed, but it may take a long time to find reviewers, so the speed depends on the efficiency of the review process. There are also page requirements for articles.

科研小虫虫 2021-01-12

The initial review took four months, mainly focusing on the efficiency of the reviewers. The selected reviewers were very strict, and their opinions were quite professional. The formulas were also carefully scrutinized, unlike those quick-publishing journals.

murphy0130 2021-01-11

May I ask if the original poster has any updates now? I have also been waiting for almost a month, and it has been almost another month now, but there hasn't been any progress.

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