注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

还是很难 2022-09-13

Hello, do you have the journal format? I would like to ask because even after my modifications, it still says that the format needs to be modified.

turbo 2021-05-20

There has been no progress for nearly four months. It turns out that we have been looking for reviewers all this time. We sent a reminder email in early March, and the review was completed in about twenty days. We submitted the revised manuscript two weeks later, and it was accepted in about 20 days. If the review process had been fast from the beginning, everything would have been quicker.

杰杰老师 2021-03-05

How long have you been submitting your manuscript?

turbo 2021-03-02

The review comments have not been given yet.

苏叶味药 2021-01-10

The final draft was submitted in the morning, and the chief editor accepted it in the evening.

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