注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

spf 2021-11-04

I would like to ask if all authors need to click on the confirmation link after submitting their contributions?

Lunahh 2021-09-18

May I ask how long you have been with the editor, and if it will change to "under review" later? It has been exactly two weeks since I submitted it to the editor, but the status has not changed yet.

孙赫 2021-05-21

The review speed is very fast, but I don't know why they assigned four reviewers for me. I am confused.

yi88 2021-01-19

May I ask how much is the layout fee for this magazine?

yi88 2021-01-18

May I ask how much is the review fee for this magazine?

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