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吃鱼 2023-07-16

May I ask how long it takes to receive the initial review for this journal? Can it be submitted for review or not?

xss-sya 2023-06-21

Although the speed in the early stage is slightly slower, it is important to grasp the pattern. Generally, editing is processed on Monday and the speed starts to increase after inviting reviewers. The reviewers are very professional and their opinions are very objective, which is very helpful for improving the article. The review cycle is a total of four months, and feedback is given to the first reviewer after two months.

xss-sya 2023-02-27

After 2 weeks, the status finally changed to "7 reviewers invited"

xss-sya 2023-02-22

Hahaha, same here, I also feel like it hasn't been dealt with.

尔尔 2023-02-22

I also feel that I have been casting my vote for a week, and the editing is still being assigned. I don't know what the result is. Sigh.

xss-sya 2023-02-21

Really have to complain, the speed is really slow···

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