认证评论 - Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects
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浪子赤心 2021-09-22

I haven't even gone online, but it has already been indexed on WOS. Someone asked me if I had published a certain paper, and I told them that it hasn't been published online yet, but surprisingly, it has already been indexed. However, I couldn't find this paper on the journal's official website. It took several days before I finally found it, haha.

一心只读圣贤书 2021-09-03

I can't find the relevant formatting requirements on the official website. Could you please send me the formatting requirements? Thank you very much.

一心只读圣贤书 2021-09-03

Hello, would it be possible for you to send me the formatting requirements? I couldn't find the relevant formatting requirements on the official website. Thank you very much.

悦悦皮卡丘 2021-09-02

Reviewing is very fast.
6.22 Submission.
7.20 Revision.
8.23 Return for editing.
9.1 Acceptance.

XIEWANY 2021-07-15

Hello, may I ask if the journal template requires a 12-point font and double spacing? This would far exceed 20 pages.

琉璃薛成败 2021-07-03

1. The review process was very fast, and it was completed in just over a month.
2. There is a high tolerance for language issues. The language problems in my initial draft were quite severe, but I was still given the opportunity for major revisions.
3. After completing the major revisions, I was asked to make minor revisions to reduce the weight of the paper. After making those revisions, it was accepted directly. The editing efficiency was high, and I appreciate that.
4. After acceptance, it takes a long time before the article is published online. At least, I haven't seen it online yet.
5. After the JCR partition update, the partition has significantly improved, surpassing the journal "Energy & Fuels" that rejected my paper twice in a row. Yesterday, "Energy & Fuels" ignored me, but today, they can't reach my level!

may it be 2021-04-17

After online publishing, the retrieval became exceptionally slow. It took almost two years for the retrieval from WOS to come through. If you are in a hurry to graduate, be cautious about investing in it.

悦悦皮卡丘 2021-04-16

Just log in with ORCID.

airkiss 2021-04-12

Why can't I register on any submission website?

悦悦皮卡丘 2021-04-01

2020.10.25 Submitted
2021.02.25 Revised
2021.03.19 Revised
2021.03.31 Accepted

lee527 2021-03-23

The journal is very responsible. After 3 months of review, it underwent major revisions based on the opinions of three reviewers. After that, it underwent minor revisions and was finally accepted. Now, the requirement is that the submission should not exceed 20 pages.

wangce9595 2021-02-04

2020.06.16 Submission
2020.07.13 Revision
2020.07.23 Submission
2020.08.03 Acceptance
The journal editor is very responsible and the review process is fast. The comments provided are serious and professional.

ZKYQ 2021-02-01

Now it means "under review".

追心 2021-01-28

Hello, the journal I submitted to is currently "out for review." Does it mean that it will only move to "under review" after it comes back?

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