认证评论 - Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

葫芦娃爱辣条 2022-12-08

Just asking, will you publish in an electronic journal or a paper journal after being hired?

huiminwang 2022-12-02

Excuse me, has the issue you mentioned that was returned been resolved?

Alice Yang 2022-11-20

Can you please send me the submission format? Thank you.

葫芦娃爱辣条 2022-11-01

The journal review process is quite fast.
Submitted on May 2, 2022.
Major revisions on May 25, 2022.
Three months for revisions, but encountered some issues due to personal reasons along the way.
Submitted revised manuscript on September 11, 2022.
Accepted on October 10, 2022.

岛荒 2022-09-28

What is the submission format? Can the manuscript only contain text?

岛荒 2022-09-28

Not resolved, submitted once and returned again, don't know the reason.

鸿雁 2022-09-28

Do you want the text and images of the manuscript to be separated?

鸿雁 2022-09-28

Hello, I also encountered the problem. How did you solve it?

岛荒 2022-09-27

What files do I need to submit when making a contribution? I previously submitted the manuscript and cover letter which were returned. Do I need to modify the format?

鸿雁 2022-09-08

Are the reviewers from the journal or are they recommended by oneself?

Dongwang 2022-08-24

14 June 2022 With Editor
27 July 2022 Out for Review
10 August 2022 Decision Pending
11 August 2022 Revision Required
15 August 2022 Revised Manuscript Submitted
16 August 2022 With Editor
20 August 2022 Out for Review
21 August 2022 Decision Pending
21 August 2022 Accepted

14 June 2022 With Editor
27 July 2022 Out for Review
10 August 2022 Decision Pending
11 August 2022 Revision Required
15 August 2022 Revised Manuscript Submitted
16 August 2022 With Editor
20 August 2022 Out for Review
21 August 2022 Decision Pending
21 August 2022 Accepted


No need. The final proofreading will adjust the format, it is recommended to make some changes to the reference citation format.

小白呀 2022-08-14

I want to submit to this journal. Can I ask you experts a question? Do both the main text and the title need to be in 12-point font and double-spaced?

小白呀 2022-08-14

May I ask if both the body text and the title require double spacing?

小白呀 2022-08-14

May I ask if both the body text and the title require a font size of 12 and double spacing?

阿拉灯神丁 2022-08-13

3 external audit experts

Dongwang 2022-07-28

Brother, how many external audit experts are there?

Dongwang 2022-07-28

Hey buddy, how many external auditing experts do we have?

阿拉灯神丁 2022-07-06

Posted on January 10, 2022, major revisions on April 12, revised version returned on June 3, second external review on June 9, minor revisions on June 15, accepted on June 20, published on June 30.


Hello, may I ask if it is necessary to submit a list of changes and responses when replying to the review comments?

秦淮区刘亦菲 2022-06-27

Hello, may I ask if you have any recommended reviewers when submitting your manuscript?

123698745ll 2022-06-15

The journal is very good in all aspects, and the publication is also very fast. It takes about 5 months from submission to acceptance, mainly going through two rounds of external review. It takes less than 2 weeks from acceptance to publication. Compared to other journals in the four zones, this journal is quite good. It does not charge any publication fees and is also classified as JCR2 zone. It is relatively easy to be accepted. However, the recognition of this journal in China is not very high compared to established journals like Energy & Fuel. For masters students, it is a very good choice.

狼123 2022-05-27

Where can I find the author's guide, please?

123698745ll 2022-04-08

May I ask if this journal charges a publication fee after acceptance?

lengyan 2022-02-15

How long does the first trial approximately take?

SCI 快中 2021-12-28

Editing and peer review are both very fast.
However, formatting changes are a bit troublesome, and the author's guidelines are not clearly specified.
The impact factor has increased significantly due to the high volume of submissions, so I hope that the ranking by the Chinese Academy of Sciences can be improved.

PioneerX 2021-11-10

Corresponding to the content of the 87th floor.

PioneerX 2021-11-10

The above content is not finished yet. After the second review, I filed an appeal and attached a rebuttal. Two weeks later, the editor-in-chief replied and said that the second review would be rearranged. After a month, major revisions were given, and I submitted the modifications. Two weeks later, minor revisions were made, and today it was accepted. Editor Nižetić is really responsible because previously, when I submitted another article to another journal and requested a change of reviewer during the second review process, there was no response at all. Editor Wilkinson, Melissa is also very responsible, always responding promptly. This article was really not easy.

做个混子 2021-10-28

It took a total of 5 months, with three revisions and five reviewers, which exhausted me.

PioneerX 2021-09-23

This journal is particularly tough. The second reviewer not only did not review the modifications made in the first review, but also did not even read the main body of the article. Clearly, nearly 25% of the content of the article is about A, but they claimed that I did not write about A. With just a single line, they have rendered a year's worth of effort useless. Amazing, truly amazing.

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