认证评论 - Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Mr. Zh 2023-03-02

Has the original poster received the results of their external audit?

Mr. Zh 2023-03-02

May I ask if the original poster has received the external audit report?

亮仔仔 2023-02-25

May I ask if you can send me the website you logged into? I am unable to upload and modify the draft here, the website is experiencing an error.

亮仔仔 2023-02-24

Excuse me, why can't I access this magazine website recently? The revised manuscript cannot be uploaded. Can you please provide a website link?


It has been nearly three months since we have not been online yet, and I am very worried that we will miss the proofreading.


It has been almost three months for me, and I have only received the author verification notification.

@96@ 2023-02-23

The original text is in Chinese and it translates to English as: "May I ask how long it takes for the manuscript to be online after proofreading?"

@96@ 2023-02-23

May I ask how long did it take for the original poster to go online after proofreading?

@96@ 2023-02-23

How long after proofreading will it be online?

独饮弱水三千 2023-02-20

The school manuscript that was notified yesterday is still not online at the moment. It is very slow, and I am anxious about graduating. I do not recommend submitting it.

独饮弱水三千 2023-02-20

It is just very slow, but it's fine. As long as you accept it, just wait patiently for the notification. There is another situation where the editorial department may not receive emails replied with a Chinese email address. My teacher found a visiting British colleague who used an English email address to forward the email, and then the editorial department received it (possibly an exception).

Mr.zhuang 2023-02-19

May I ask what step the original poster is currently at?

Mr.zhuang 2023-02-19

May I ask, what is the latest progress of the host?

znboss 2023-02-12

Do foreigners also celebrate Chinese New Year? It has been over ten days and still with the journal administrator.

Mr.zhuang 2023-02-11

Have you got the result yet?

希望大家都能中 2023-02-06

Reviewed externally, but it seems to have been ignored again. This journal has been very slow lately.

Smarttomato 2023-01-19

Are you still in the status of being with the journal administrator now?

Smarttomato 2023-01-19

May I ask if you have any results?

转角小生 2023-01-19

It has been a few weeks since I submitted it, and I have been constantly in touch with the journal administrator. What should I do in this situation?

希望大家都能中 2023-01-17

Does this journal take a break around the Spring Festival? It's been nearly 20 days and there has been no movement with the Journal Administrator.

小白牙 2023-01-13

Format issues
1. According to his font size, double spacing is not necessary.
2. Just follow its requirements for the format of the references.

小白牙 2023-01-13

Has your article been published online yet? Mine has been waiting for a month and still hasn't been published.

小白牙 2023-01-13

The review process is very fast, with approximately one month per cycle. However, the online publishing is too slow. I have been waiting for a month! Some papers that were accepted after mine are already online (I checked on the official website, and many journals are like this). How long does it usually take from acceptance to being published online for you all?

Jade123 2023-01-13

Hello, how was the issue that was returned resolved?

Mr.zhuang 2022-12-30

May I ask how long the author has maintained the status of "Journal Administrator"? Waiting with an anxious heart rate.

Mr.zhuang 2022-12-30

May I ask how long does it take for the status "with Journal Administrator" to change to "with editor"?

Mr.zhuang 2022-12-30

May I ask how long the OP has maintained the status of "Journal Administrator"? I have been in this status for several days.

独饮弱水三千 2022-12-24

"jcr seems to be in the third district."

独饮弱水三千 2022-12-24

It's just slower, but the fourth district is very good. Don't expect too much after graduation, it will be slow. I mean publishing. The submission format is a bit strange, there is no need to use double spacing, if the word count exceeds the limit, change it to single spacing. Make sure the total number of text and charts does not exceed 20 pages, with two reviewers.

请教一下 2022-12-15

May I ask how to find the submission button on the author panel?

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