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ssicn 2023-07-30

I have also invested for 20 days and still have not received any news. Do you have any news now?

猫小麦 2022-06-24

Don't invest, don't invest, it has been a month and still with the editor, no response to emails...

AkineticZ 2022-05-24

2022.1--Initial Date Submitted
2022.6--Completed - Reject

The first review took five months, and the reason for rejection was that it did not align with the journal's theme. This is completely different from the five-week review period officially announced by Elsevier! If it doesn't match, couldn't the editor have taken a look to avoid dragging it out for so long?

cunt 2021-12-28

You are from Kailuan Mining University, right? Writing about Pan'an Lake.

会飞的蜗牛 2021-10-08

Already hired, sharing my submission experience with fellow classmates. Submitted in October 2020, took about half a month for editor's review, received major revision decision after six months under review, given two months for revisions. However, due to being busy with other matters, completed the revisions after four months and remained under review for another two months before being accepted. Overall, the reviewers were very professional and their suggested revisions greatly improved the quality of the article. The review process was neither fast nor slow, but moderate. As a reputable journal in ecological economics, I am very pleased to have my article published in it. I hope this information is helpful to everyone and fingers crossed for future submissions to prestigious journals like Nature, haha!

Jeremy 2021-03-09

This magazine is quite good in our field. We submitted a manuscript for review over a month ago, but unfortunately, the result was tragic. They provided suggestions, but we actually thought it was possible to make modifications. However, we were not given the opportunity to do so. It feels like the requirements for innovation in terms of the article's methodology and theme are quite high. We will continue to submit in the future if given the chance! With determination, success can be achieved. Good luck to all my brothers.

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