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呱唧 2023-01-06

Invest in December 2021 and receive a reply after one month.
Invest again in January 2022 and follow the editorial format for review.
Submit a revised version in February 2022 and receive an acceptance reply in March 2022.
The final publication will be in September 2022.

呱唧 2023-01-06

投: submit/application
回复: reply/response
重视: attach importance to/value
统计方面: statistical aspect

Translation: Submitted in November 2021, received a reply in December, attaches importance to the statistical aspect.

ggbong 2021-12-05

An initial review took about a month and a half, with two rounds of external review each taking approximately half a month. Finally, the minor revision was accepted within a day of responding.

深似海深似海深似海 2021-03-05

Relatively easy, you don't have to be a member of the Japan Dental Materials Association, the layout fee is about 3,000 RMB or more.

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