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Leslie 2022-01-01

Mainstream journals in geology, with constructive comments from the reviewers, have seen an improvement in the quality of the articles after revisions. However, the review process of well-established journals is relatively slow, taking a total of 20 months from submission to online publication. Some articles in this journal have a high quality and it is hoped that they will soon be included in the second tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Geolimk 2021-06-28

Posted in September 2020, the manuscript was reviewed by two well-known experts in the field. Their feedback was highly professional. In early November, they provided revision suggestions, which required substantial changes. Additional experiments were conducted to address the feedback, and the revisions were completed in January 2021. The revised manuscript was returned with feedback in March. After submitting it at the end of April, it was accepted without further revisions. The feedback received was highly professional, and the editor-in-chief was also very responsible.

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