注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

apoorman 2023-01-06

Okay, excluding the abstract, icons, and references, a minimum of 5000 words. Thank you, xd.

Deitch 2023-01-06

No, but generally for long texts, there must be sufficient experimentation in terms.

apoorman 2023-01-05

Is the minimum word count requirement for journals?

Deitch 2022-12-02

Submitted to Journal: 2022.03.29
Major Revisions: 2022.09.04
Resubmitted to Journal: 2022.10.01
Under Review: 2022.10.03
Minor Revision: 2022.10.30
Re-submitted to Journal: 2022.11.03
Under Review: 2022.11.03
Decision by the EIC: 2022.11.26
Accept: 2022.12.02

This timeline is normal in terms of speed, and receiving an acceptance is a good outcome.

Deitch 2022-10-23

A well-established computer science journal, CCF-C's journal. It publishes very few articles each year. I submitted one on March 29, 2022, and received a first-round review on September 5, 2022 (major revision). I received the revised manuscript on October 1, 2022. Currently, it is still under review, and I don't know how much longer I have to wait.

aeghmnoz 2022-09-13

It seems difficult to find a reviewer. The first reviewer took 5 months to review and gave major revisions. After making the revisions and resubmitting, a new reviewer was assigned and gave minor revisions. After resubmitting again, it was finally accepted. It took a total of 9 months of back and forth...

LASTEMOBOY 2022-02-27

May I ask how much is the review fee for this journal?

Tuplen 2021-11-29

Hello, how long did your first trial take? It's been three months for me, and I still haven't gotten any results...

fz9193 2021-01-28

After 3 months, a major revision will be given. The revised version will be submitted one month later, and one month after that, it will be directly accepted. The article has been thoroughly experimented and the language is fluent, so it should be easily accepted. Best wishes to all friends!

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